), As to your second question: For goodness sake, stay out of it. It may very well be that her mother is being verbally/emotionally abusive. How To Do It. My wife feels strongly that this is a kind of appropriation, and that this title should be something special for my mother. They are adults. Three-year-olds are the weirdest people on the planet. Your daughter hasnt gotten the memo, so you may have to deliver it with a dosage of tough love. My younger siblings friends have dads who are in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s. Personally, I dont like hearing shut up from a kid at any age, and the ableist term idiot is not allowed in my house, but children glomming onto these words at younger ages can make their regulation a bit tougher. January 30, 2021, 7:00 AM. Submit it hereor post it in theSlate Parenting Facebook group. Ive requested we go to mediation but she flat-out refuses. Dear Care and Feeding, My 33-year-old sister has two daughters (10 and 8) and is in a dead marriage. And if she does mean what shes saying, I want to be able to help her. Im not saying that you should completely cut them offat least not right nowbut assuming you have the money and resources, I would suggest one (last) large intervention. He has a temper that he cant control and will not do anything about it. I know that sounds trite, but honestly what else can you tell them? I asked my daughter to follow two rules while here: Not to bring home endless guests, and that she not get pregnant while living here. If you cant manage a phone conversation, I would put your thoughts in a letter. All rights reserved. I honestly dont know. Have a question for Care and Feeding? She is constantly yelling at and berating their mother. The other day my husband was doing yardwork while our 3-year-old son and I were playing in the yard. Every day that you take care of your family and love them and worry for them and get silly with them, youll be doing it, bit by bit. Edgy content focused on teens and kids can easily cause trouble. Otherwise, I think, you can say goodbye to that plan. When he tells you how great she is, Id cheerfully say, Yes, she is greatI think so too. I promise hell get over her, as we all get over these early, practice runs at being in love. And if she breaks his heartthat is, if he is still all-Kaylie-all-the-time when the Zoom book club ends and Kaylie disappears from his screen and his lifethats good practice too. I will pay the deductible. I would go so far as to say that they reward her bad behavior. I will sometimes capitulate (Ill put on rubber gloves if I have to do dishes, or put on some other gloves just because we dont have anything else going on). Is there something about your relationship that you think could scare her from talking to you about her sexuality? Recently, a flood of race-centered questions has taken center stage in the column. This is a rite of passage that millions of American families deal with, and as long as you provide a loving environment to your son, he will get through it long before your first performance review at your new job. As a baseline, lets stop comparing our relationships to our kids with anyone elses. Its college-selecting time for my 18-year-old. The baby fought a bit and ended up having only half of his first bottle. For our sons second birthday, he got $200.) You could stage a similar intervention by gathering the adults in his life who feel the same way you do, but the unfortunate part is it will require your dad to have a sense of accountability and self-awareness to make a change. My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. They mostly manage because they have no mortgage, although when an unexpected expense comes up I often pitch in. Uh, No Thanks. That could include hiring a professional cleaning service to make their house as close to spotless as possible and pay for the immersive therapy program you suggested. Photo by Getty Images Plus. If Daisy is indeed being abused, however, Im not sure that you are the right person to be helping her attain and employ those tools. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. She voices every thought that comes into her head, including telling my husband and me what to do with our child, despite being childless herself. Maybe talking to someone could help you to see things you werent aware of previously, which could be vital in giving her the support she needs. But I say all of this with the shadow of your depression over it. This may also help give you confidence around speaking with your dad. Answer: Join Slate Plus. Im positive Kaylie doesnt know about this, and my husband says Im overreactingthat hes just watched too many TV shows and movies in which true love is part of the plot, and is also probably just lonely, what with living life online. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. Dear Care and Feeding, Our local library has a teen volunteer program, where high school students come and help shelve books and lead children's activities and story time. I remember it as if it happened yesterday: Having multiple people approach me at once to tell me to get my life together when I was dealing with a drinking problem and untreated depression is what ultimately saved me. ), From this weeks letter,Ive Had It With Other Peoples Comments About My Baby: Well-intentioned friends make comments like, Wow! Im at a loss for how to keep her from alienating my kids from me without directly telling the kids their mom is behaving in an unethical, harmful, and manipulative way. I dont know what her inappropriate discipline looks like, but if she has ever struck your 5-year-old, of course you shouldnt allow her to be around him. The help of a good therapist could be crucial in helping you hold space for your justified pain and anger and figure out where [you] go from here. You might decide you need to have hard but necessary conversations with some of the people who ignored or hurt you, while cutting your losses with others. Even if they werent sure how to respond, they could have tried harder; they could have asked what you needed from them; they could have been more loving. And as you know (because youre on your third kid now), its just going to be a work in progress. If what shes doing has escalated to emotional abuse, that could also damage your sons behavior and development, his self-esteem, and his ability to feel safe and loved. My mother-in-law moved in with us in August, for the foreseeable future, and my partner and I have noticed that she treats the 5-year-old differently than she did the others at the same age, especially when it comes to discipline. When you talk with her about college, dont try to force or lead her in one direction. He is outgoing and gregarious and makes friends easily, but stillthis will be a big transition for him, and for the whole family. Intentions arent everything. This isnt unique or new, and I think you could be overthinking all of this. Help! Keeping in mind the immense guilt I would feel for sending them down the street. slate advice columns care and feedingconejos river outfittersconejos river outfitters I know how hard it is to parent with the unknown future stretching ahead of you, and only some of the answers and reassurances you might crave. Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. Maybe theyll decide to try couples counseling. You know she loves you, dont you? How do we gently shut this down if it comes down to it? Hard though it may be to see others announce pregnancies or births, I think the real source of your pain is the callousness (or cowardice) of the friends who hurt you. Still, I see no reason on earth for you to play with gloves (and obviously your infant daughter needs to be off-limits, both for this and other games she is too small for). The dreaded red cap has them so upset they're firing off letters to parenting columns for advice on how to handle MAGA-wearing relatives. I am single and have a small home of about 800 square feet. 2,018 Sq. I think your depression is casting a shadow over everything and will continue to until you get the help you need and deserve. I cant stand to read baby announcements. Sometimes he is happy, sometimes he seems slightly sheepish, and at other times he runs away and moves on to a different activity. I can say this honestly and without bias. The only way she could persuade herself to go out was to extract a promise from you that youd text her if he refused the bottleshe was that specific. What I know for sure is it shouldnt be a time when youre allowing your daughter to walk all over you as she has been. For a while I tried writing letters insteadat their suggestionbut then thered be no answer, or the response would come only months later. I never want them to feel the fear that I had. Instead of saying It makes me feel bad that we have so little contact or I try to show how much I love you by doing things for you, and then you tell me not to! you might just tell them that you love them, that youre sorry you are so awkward on the phone, and that you would be very glad to know what they would welcome from you by way of contact or expressions of love. I am 100 percent certain that this dynamic existed long before you entered the family. Unless he asked his sister if it was OK to share her personal business (which I doubt he did), this is a violation of trust. All rights reserved. Hes always been a little bit behind (within normal parameters) for self-regulating and similar skills, but hes not regressed too much. At age 64, and now with a 5-year-old and a 3-month-old, you guessed it, Im now a dad more so than ever. content language. Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. So, what could you say when youre ready? From now on Nelson's Column only existed in his mind. I encouraged my daughter-in-law to attend the dinner with him while I cared for their 4-month-old. that your husband has youand your family, it sounds likewhile they continue to take care of their troubled adult daughter. You said that he would do anything for you and your kids, right? Her life will be just fine if being called beautiful is her biggest problem. Whats the alternative? All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. Forgiveness is a cornerstone of the faith. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Yesterday, one of my stepbrothers and the older of my half sisters told me that they were really scared that Dad was going to die soon. You dont say much about Daisys father, which seems curious to meI cant figure out how he fits into these conversations about Daisys reluctance to spend time with her mother, what his relationship with his daughter is like, or what he has to say about his exs relationship with their daughter before the Solomonic splitting of herbut he needs to be brought into the conversation now. I try to maintain a neutral, kind tone when I respond, though I admit the requests are making me uncomfortable. Guess what? Yes, theres a strong chance that your son will be upset at first, but if hes as outgoing as you say he is, then its highly likely he will make new friends fairly quickly. When he does the work, hes lazy, resents having to do multiple steps on things, and doesnt follow directions well. If she doesnt feel comfortable coming out to you, then its clear that shes not ready for the world to know yet, either. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. If they are as miserable together as your letter suggests, its possible that theyre staying together for what they believe is your sake, because they fear it would be devastatingor at least extremely destabilizingfor you if they divorced. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. Discuss this column in theSlate Parenting Facebook group! My Ex Wants Us to Vacation Like One, Big, Happy Family. Lately I have been teaching my daughter Kaitlin, who is 6, about death and the grieving process. Sure, theres a chancebut what if she actually harbored some dark thoughts and acted on them? When I talk to either of my daughters, there are often long silences, and Ill sometimes hear them sort of impatiently sigh. Do you have any tips for how to help him through this? Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. countries. All English Franais. Have a question for Care and Feeding? While the columnist tries to talk the distressed relative off the ledge with words of calm just back away slowly . How should we prepare him? ); some people have contact sporadically. Photo illustration by Slate. If he says that hell try but does nothing, then youll have to follow through on your ultimatum. When I peek at him, he is just trying them onit may just be a sensory thing. Ask him to take a walk, if possible (well-masked, staying away from others! Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. Hes a loving man so she stays and I understand how tough that would be. Call me heartless if you want, but I have plenty of reasons to have this opinion. Slate Plus Members Get More Advice From Jamilah Each Week From this week's letter, My Daughter Broke up With Her High School Boyfriend. This isnt going to be easy, and youre probably beating yourself up about making such a life-altering move, but I hope you know that its the right thing to do in the long run. Your daughters situation is heartbreaking, but youre absolutely rightyou shouldnt live for your adult children. I regret never having the college experience, having gone to school at night while I worked, and I really want our daughter to live on campus, whichever school she chooses. I cant and wont live their lives for them, but they are my children, and I cant stand idly by while they live in a situation that I truly believe is hazardous to their health and which given his background and her struggles they seem unable to address. After these encounters, I always remind her of her inner beauty, her kindness, and her loving heart. Remember, were not talking about toddlers herethese are grownups who need to take some responsibility and ownership of their lives. New ones are published almost daily. The failure of some friends now doesnt mean you are or will always be alone in this, or in your love for and joy in your child. There was a lot to unpack there, though: We never knew he had a girlfriend, and our daughter never came out to us. His reaction varies if his request is granted. Dont do anything. I know you are a good man, but unless you get help for your issues right away, Ill have to limit your time around my kids.. They've tried counseling and nothing seems to work. The court in which we watch the jousting is floored with onyx in order to increase the courage of the combatants. Photo by SvetaOrlova/iStock/Getty Images Plus. Of course you were hurt by your friends failure to see and support you, and I understand why its hard to watch others receiving the well wishes and shared celebration you were denied. As her mom, keep instilling in her that being cute is wonderful, but it means nothing unless youre a good person. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a kid receiving innocuous compliments about her good looks, because positive reinforcement of any kind usually yields positive results. I turned my life around and have been sober for over six years, but will he do whatever it takes to improve his health? I told them that they didnt have to worry about that, because even though hes getting older its no more unlikely that he would suddenly die sometime in the next 10 years, but they can see that dads health is declining and this does not comfort them. Ask our columnists a question here! Obviously he, like all of us, will be exposed to rude or inappropriate or hurtful words for the rest of his liferight now, the key is to help him start thinking more critically about language, how we use it, the power it wields. I hate seeing pictures of healthy newborns. The collection features some of the most. Here's the lowdown Sometimes I even joke and tell someone at work who may ask me to go out for a soda and say, No thanks, Ive gotta get home to the wife and kids as a joke. I have a 3-year-old who is obsessed with gloves. My DIL angrily asked why I hadnt texted her, and I told her what Ive just told you. My wife (26) and I (24) are expecting our first kid. My dad is very stubborn and gets offended at any suggestion that hes getting older, which just makes my siblings even more scared. Some of their friends have grandparents who are in their early 60s. Id suggest family therapy if I had any faith it would work, but Im sure at this point they just need to burn the relationship down and start over. Over the last five years, she has regularly told our kids Im manipulative, criticized my relationship choices (to them, never directly to me), and told them they arent a priority to me (which they very much are). Im not going to get into the weeds about how hungry the baby might have been or not been. As I said earlier, most people in his shoes would step up and do whatever it takes to be a better human for their children and grandkids if thats required of them. Find out what else about her favorite school really excites hermy guess is she has a few other reasons apart from the equestrian team, not to mention things that excite her less about the other school. You can tell your daughter something like, Honey, after I do these two things for you, Im stepping away. She makes every visit to my husbands parents home excruciating. I dont think this is going to change and I am bereft about it. What should I do? In the meantime, I wouldnt mention anything about her sexuality unless she opens up to you. They say it mostly to me, but within earshot of my daughter, and sometimes directly to her. Weve told our son to get rid of that whole section of the answer because his prospective employers do not need to know that much about his personal life. (In other words: there is no one right way to handle this! She feels controlled and trapped. It seems very unfair to prohibit my bisexual teen from having sleepovers just because they happen to be attracted to both genders. My two questions are: How do these people not see how inconsistently they treat their children? All rights reserved. I have a 12-year-old daughter, who Ill call Ella, and Im starting to worry about the way she expresses negative emotions. The other day I sent my 35-year-old daughter a link to the weather report for where she lives (about icy, dangerous roadsI was concerned about her morning commute), and she phoned me to ask that I not send such things, as if you think Im incompetent. I took this as her setting a boundary and told her Id respect that, even though doing things for the people I love is my love language. I let him play with my old, no longer used gloves of all kinds. Or Scotch tape. She also is considering commuting to college, which I believe would be onerous. From Our Callers. If you determine through therapy that she is of sound mind, then at least your mind will be at ease, too. Do whatever you can not to insert yourself into it. I think you do have to get back into therapy. If this is the case, you have nothing to lose by sitting them down and telling them what youve told me. I know I need to go back into therapy, but Im home all the time now with my husband and I dont have the freedom and privacy to talk that this would require. I can say this honestly and without bias. Over time, youll teach him to consider and make better decisions about the words he chooses, regardless of what he reads. I am big believer in therapy, so that could be something you both explore together. Moving is hard, but in the middle of a school year seems especially tough. You may want to dial that back a bit unless you want to be greeted with eye rolls and side-eyes. Dear Care and Feeding, My brother "John" and his wife have three children. I apologize for second-guessingI am, after all, an outsider!but everything you report is something youve been told by a 14-year-old; youve reported nothing youve observed directly. Youand your family, it sounds likewhile they continue to until you get help... She makes every visit to my husbands parents home excruciating, her kindness, and Ill sometimes them... Give you confidence around speaking with your dad is just trying them onit may just be sensory! Sensory Thing sitting them down and telling them what youve told me go... Why I hadnt texted her, as we all get over these early practice. 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