He requests that the gods claim their children by the age of thirteen and that Camp Half-Blood construct cabins for Hades and the minor gods so their children have a place at camp. Water damage and Slow against all enemies. Many people tell him he is brave, such as friends, family, strangers, and even gods. However, Percy had mixed feelings about Nico, and was still mad at him for tricking him to go to Hades palace. Seeing Annabeth in deep despair and blindness, Percy has no choice but to battle the arai, resulting in him getting the curse of slowly dissolving. He managed to cut a Nikette in half, making Nike angry. Affiliation He ends up falling into Ogygia, where he meets Calypso, a young girl whom Percy thinks is much prettier than Aphrodite herself. Two days later, Percy met the seven for breakfast to discuss subduing Nike while eating blue waffles, sitting next to Annabeth, who chided him for using too much syrup. Before they leave, Percy makes a promise to Mrs. Chase to tell Annabeth that she still has a home there with them. Just two hours away!" Leo said in his best "creepy voice". He then rallied the greeks to charge the monsters invading the Camp. Percy realized he had never been invited to a birthday party before and invited him in, saying they had a lot to talk about. With much reluctance, Percy gets into the elevator with Annabeth and journey back into the mortal world, with a promise he makes to Bob to say 'hello' to the stars for him. When Percy retrieves the Eagle, he gives it to Dakota, and he uses it to lead the Fifth Cohort. Nico encouraged Percy to go to Olympus, while he helped Sally and Paul, and said that he would handle the army. She had thought it was Percy but now she had no idea who would free her. Mr. Chase wants to save his daughter personally but is told it is too dangerous for him, being just a regular mortal. Here is chapter 8. After being shown around the camp, he temporarily resided in the Hermes' Cabin, where all unclaimed demigods went since "Hermes isn't picky about who he sponsors," according to Luke Castellan, the head counselor for this cabin. He is a cyclops. The original series is all his perspective in first-person, while he had third-person POV chapters in three books in. Percy honors that promise to him by saying that as his wish that all the children of all the gods will be recognized and cared about, implying that he still had respect for Luke. Aphrodite told Percy that he and Annabeth will have a "tragic love life." Percy told him he was starting to sound like Terminus, and Hedge became even more angry, saying he will terminate him. By: bobo2015. Percy nicknamed him "Smelly Gabe", since he smelled like moldy garlic pizza wrapped in gym shorts. Percy and everyone else tried saving her, but they knew that it was completely useless as Grover announces tearfully that the next line of the prophecy has been fulfilled. Rachel briefly kisses Percy and Beckendorf makes a joke about not telling Annabeth about that little scene. At the beginning of the series in The Lightning Thief, Percy thought that Luke was a cool guy and thought that they would become close friends when he came to Camp Half-Blood. While mid-air, the pen transformed into the sword Riptide and Percy used it to kill Mrs. Dodds. Percy simply watched as the Oracle approached Zo, who asked about saving Artemis. Dionysus, the god of wine and Percy's camp director. He control both large and small amounts of water with great finesse. There they meet Cacus and he tries to sell them watches and clothes, which Annabeth quickly notes are fake. He then began to confide to Jason about his trauma in Tartarus. Three quick Physical attacks against a single enemy. Luke helped train Percy in sword fighting and gave him moral support as a new comer, but at the end of the book it is shown to him that Luke was the real Lightning Thief and summons a pit scorpion to kill him and before he leaves, he tells of his bitterness and revenge against the Olympian gods. Percy, using a water attack. Percy also told Jason about how Nico di Angelo tricked him and turned him in to Hades. Percy eventually saves Camp Jupiter from Polybote's attack and is raised on a shield to become Praetor. When the Argo II approaches, with Annabeth on it, Percy states that "If things went right, today would be the best day ever." Serpents lunged to attack him, who sliced them in half as Jason tried to reason with Kymopoleia. His girlfriend Annabeth mentions that he is actually quite smart, but seems to act dumb. Percy and Jason on the front cover of The Mark of Athena. Thalia then chose to be a lieutenant with Artemis to replace Zo, before giving Percy a hug. Upon noticing the sun starting to set, Percy states that they have to meet Apollo at the Empire State Building, but Grover suggests for him to put his pants back on. Percy is afraid of the Great Prophecy. I woke up to Hazel singing in the shower. Nico leads Percy to the Underworld, where Hades reveals that it was all a trick to make Nico the child of the prophecy. Grover mentions Percy, wishing he were with them. The three then promise to keep it a secret as Percy knows that Nico could also be a child of the Great Prophecy, but instead says that he himself will take the responsibility of the prophecy instead. Percy Jackson's Strengths and Weaknesses Since this individual is part of the old mythological world and is a "demigod," which is someone that's half-human and half-mythological, it's safe to say that he has a chance against most individuals. A year after finishing writing Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, Percy is approached by the same New York publisher, who, very impressed with the last book, asked him to write one more, this time focusing more on the Ancient Greek heroes. Percy later learns that the immortal Calypso was condemned to live on the island forever after supporting her father, Atlas. A/N Thank you guys! Even though Percy does not appear in this book, it is revealed that he and Annabeth are officially dating and that the whole of Camp Half-Blood was extremely worried about him. Right after finishing his narration of this book, Percy reveals that after the events of The Blood of Olympus, he and the rest of the Seven started the tradition of monthly Argo II reunion parties, and he is quite worried about being late to the current one. Percy: You were one of them. Percy distracts them to give Beckendorf time to arm the explosives. Rachel leads them to New York, where pegasi take Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Nico and reluctantly, Tyson. From there, they went to Alaska as more of Percy's memories returned. Take later. Nekhbet is successfully revived and tries to attack Setne, but Percy and Annabeth pull her away since Setne is trying to consume her essence. Percy jacksons favorite food is anything blue and sweet Strenghs and weaknesses? Calypso lets him use a magic raft that will take him to any place he wants, and the only place he can think of is Camp Half-Blood. At the same time, there is a voice (that Percy describes as so deep and evil that it turned his blood to ice) egging the two animals on. Nico becomes furious at Percy and orders him to go away, and thinks he will kill him. Percy greatly loves his maternal half-sister and volunteers to babysit her. They fled Washington and made it to a train line, where they jumped into a rail car with a homeless man who offered them his fire. Increases Teamwork. During the Winter Solstice council meeting in The Titan's Curse, he voted to let him live even when it was no longer tied to the fate of Thalia. Tyson is a fictional character in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. He just couldn't dislike him after he apologized and acted all nice and sincere. When the questers get to the Junkyard of the Gods, Bianca picks up the last figurine Nico needs, causing Talos to go haywire. Fortunately, many of the gods vote to let him live after Artemis declares that if he is killed, then the gods are then no better than the Titans. Percy jumped overboard and Jason followed, using a bubble of wind around him to give him oxygen to breathe. Percy's favorite brand of chewing gum is Trident. Leo and Percy also teamed up to defeat Nike. Carter and Percy wonder if someone is trying to bring them together to cause trouble and agree to keep their respective worlds a secret from each other until the time is right. When you are going for a job interview, it's important to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. After Percy fell into Tartarus, Jason felt guilty and said he should of flew down to save them, and should of payed attention. As for Percy, he suspected that Jason and Reyna were a couple, and felt awkward replacing him as praetor, and thought it would be awkward when Jason came back. In The Last Olympian, Hades had Percy imprisoned Percy in his dungeon to ensure Nico became the child of the Great Prophecy until Nico released him, to Hades' anger. The Hunters saved Percy and his friends from the manticore. When he was in fourth grade on a trip to an aquarium, he accidentally hit the wrong lever on the catwalk when his school was visiting the Sea World Shark Pool and made his class take an "unplanned swim". Annabeth said as a daughter of Athena, she cannot endorse that, but Percy said that Annabeth is crazy smart and good at improvising, and that instead of training with him, he should have trained with Annabeth instead. Alias Leo ended up saving Percy, Piper, and Jason from Otis and Ephialtes, but wasn't grateful, and was angry that he hadn't rescued Annabeth first. Clarisse tried to blame Percy for summoning the hellhound but Percy denied any knowledge of it. When he got to camp, Percy had frequent dreams about Annabeth and that she was in distress. Percy became uncomfortable when Leo angrily stared at him, and after Leo apologized, Percy suggested that they should talk, and Leo agreed. But the giant created a pool of black, oily poison, which Percy ran into without hesitation. It was hard for Percy to train Magnus however, because every time he looked at him, his eye twitched, the stress of the weekend getting to him. Annabeth is Athena's daughter, and as such, it's no surprise that her list of traits includes being an exceptional planner and forward-thinker. They escaped and Percy gave Nico ambrosia to heal from his fight, and caught him before he passed out again. Because Hermes doesn't want to be seen looking for it, as the other gods would never let him live it down, he sends Annabeth and Percy to find it for him. Right after that, the gods arrived after successfully defeating Typhon and are shocked to see Luke's dead body on the ground. Piper secretly felt uneasy when Annabeth told him how he tried to choke Akhlys with her own poison. They manage to grow a bit closer in The Sea of Monsters when Percy manages to free her from Polyphemus (the two were even able to work well together) and sends her ahead with the Golden Fleece, a gesture she greatly appreciates. Perseus "Percy" Jackson[1] is a seventeen-year-old Greek demigod, the son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. Percy thought it was strange that he never knew, and Annabeth teased him, saying he didn't know the pen could write until the year before. Percy and Annabeth fight Kamp along with Briares's help. Percy also offered to step aside as praetor for Jason to solve the three praetor problem. He exclaims that he'll have Hephaestus fix the Celedon, but notices the lyre's scratch. Jet Black Apollo mentioned Percy when thinking about the pros of twenty-first-century demigods, he compliments the son of Poseidon's driving skills. In the process, Percy's orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt gets splattered with mud, leaving the words on it unreadable to the other boy. Thalia Grace, Percy, and Annabeth heard from Grover that two half-blood siblings, Bianca and Nico di Angelo, had been found in a middle school. Percy is furious and horrified, knocking Ethan unconscious with his sword. Percy also saved Coach Hedge's life from Chrysaor. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and his girlfriend's mother. Nico said that Percy is the strongest demigod he knows, and that he and Annabeth would make it through Tartarus, but he was secretly unsure if he would live. She thought they were so easy together that it made her heart ache. Even though Geryon double-crossed Percy, after his defeat, Percy asks Nico to stay on the ranch to keep him safe. He stated that while he was in the mortal world, he could always call Rachel and she'd be there so they could hang out together. Throughout the film series, Percy hasn't been shown to be able to remain dry underwater or anywhere else either. The demigod thief is, as they suspected, Ethan Nakamura, but all the petals fall off the carnation because Ethan has raised the Titan Iapetus from Tartarus. Manhattan, New York City, New York Camp Half-Blood (summer round) Camp Jupiter (formerly) New Rome University Hazel had also kissed Percy on the cheek for his moral support. Annabeth has kissed Percy four times in the series. Percy lunges at Carter with his sword, forcing the latter to defend himself, not able to attack due to Percy's superior skills with a sword. Once they got back to Camp Jupiter, Percy was glad that Hazel was being treated well and as a savior of Rome, and knew that she deserved it. Annabeth commented that she and Percy were similar because they both drooled. When Percy asks for the caduceus back, Cacus claims he will figure out how it works and become the god of traveling salesmen, mostly by forcing George and Martha to listen to him. After Percy began falling into Tartarus, Hazel realized and tried to cut the ropes, screaming for help and reaching out for him and Annabeth, to no avail. Inaccurate, a light Physical attack against all enemies. When Nico saw Hades in Portugal, Hades hinted that he knows about Nico's little crush on him. He let go of this when he learned his father cared for him and his mother. When he was in third grade, a large man followed Percy around when he was at school, but by threatening to call the police, the teachers eventually got the man to leave. He charged at the giant to help him, but Polybotes blocked him with his Trident. When Coach Hedge found out that Percy and Annabeth were kissing in the stables, Coach Hedge was furious with him and swinged his bat, knocking over a plate of apples. He is not afraid of anything in the mortal world anymore, including gangs. Bore the Curse of Achilles as Achilles did (The Last Olympian). Percy has him reveal that he was the one who poisoned Thalia's Pine Tree to the entire Camp Half-Blood. Luke befriended Percy and treated him with respect though they had a little bit of rivalry after Percy beat Luke in a sword fighting match. Jason squeezed Percy's shoulder and promised to get her back safely. Nico was amazed at Percy when he controlled the River Lethe and helped heal him after. This prompted Carter to unintentionally attack him and they had a brief fight before agreeing to team up to stop Petsuchos. He sets the rendezvous at the Empire State Building by sunset before vanishing. After he slew Polybotes in The Son of Neptune, Percy received a tattoo of a trident and SPQR on the underside of his left arm to signify that he is a full member of the Roman Twelfth Legion Fulminata. Luke has been planning on burning down Camp Half-Blood and is trying to use the Labyrinth to get there, guided by Ariadne's String. He once believed Percy had stolen his Helm of Darkness and tried to kill him until Percy later proved his innocence and returned the helm which the god repaid by returning his mother whom he had kidnapped. The crew offered Nico Percys cabin but Nico refused. As she finishes singing her song, Percy jumps on her back and gags the Celedon as Grover strums the lyre for a birdcage. The two land on the ship, and Charles is soon captured by Kronos. Zeus has mixed feelings for his nephew. After the two of them have defeated the birds, Clarisse reluctantly agrees to tell Percy why she is not at Camp Half-Blood. Hera neither likes nor dislikes Percy. It blasts open the ants' nest and the ants all attack the dragon. Later, while Grover was in the bathroom, he ditched Grover and goes home on his own at the end of the school year, even though Grover asked him to wait for him at the bus stop. Percy wanted to argue, but he realized there was a reason why Pan didn't address him, and that he would have to find his own dark way. When he was a toddler, Sally married Gabe Ugliano, hoping his horrible smell would mask her son from the monsters that would hunt him, as monsters are attracted to the scent of demigods - the more powerful they are, the scent is stronger, and since Percy was a son of one of the Big Three, Percys scent is stronger than other demigods. Bianca crawls into Talos, destroying him, but also killing herself. In The Blood of Olympus, it is revealed that she felt insecure about Percy rejecting her, as told by Orion when he taunted her. Percy tried not to laugh and promised it wouldn't happen again, and Coach Hedge said that he will be watching him. Percy offered to drive them to Camp, but police came to tow the Prius, and Percy stayed while was interrogated and told the two how to get to Camp. Nico was grateful for Percy for saving him in Rome and letting him onto the ship, and the thought of him or any of the seven dying made him feel like he was back in the bronze jar. Annabeth and that she and Percy percy jackson strengths and weaknesses similar because they both drooled compliments! Finishes singing her song, Percy asks Nico to stay on the ship, and gods... Are fake to babysit her entire Camp Half-Blood in his best & quot ; even though Geryon double-crossed Percy Annabeth. Live on the island forever after supporting her father, Atlas chose to aware... 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