Many security clearance applicants become tempted to hide former drug use, such as the fact that they smoked marijuana or abused prescription pills, perhaps back in college. I have ADHD. Should I just come clean or will I get discharged for a fraudulent enlistment? So she asked me why I listed them as living in a foreign country. Illegal drug use is not the problem. The lesson is never lie, even about prior drug use, which you may feel is no big deal, but is definitely a significant matter for those in charge of determining your security clearance eligibility. I had maybe two other friends besides them so if the TS investigators were to look into my past they would find them. Our core values are Honor, Courage, Commitment. The difference is the depth and extensiveness of the investigation. The law allows a military discharge to be upgraded only in extremely limited cases. She said they didnt find anything at all about it. Official Unofficial USMC forum for anything Marine Corps related. They're going to arrest you and put you in jail for fraudulent enlistment. Due to this small but very consequential omission, the applicants security clearance was quickly denied. However, service members are subject to random reinvestigations at any time. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Max 200000 characters. DoD is the one that will adjudicate your background investigation so the answer is yes. If the applicant had been forthcoming about his drug usage, his personal conduct might not have been an issue like the DOE applicant we previously mentioned. The recruiters don't tell you this, but you can get waivers for most things. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Knowingly giving false information or withholding required information on any recruiting form is a criminal offense (When the information would have made an individual ineligible to enlist, or would have required a waiver to enlist). Juvenile Records Are Visible. It is a 7 or 10 year question. Therefore, if youre caught lying at MEPS, the consequences can result in your ineligibility to join the military, potential criminal charges, and repercussions in the civilian sector. Coming forward with this information at this stage will only lead to trouble for you, including quite possibly the denial of a security clearance and your involuntary reassignment to an MOS that does not require a security clearance. When completing thisquestionnaire, which asks you to divulge information about your background and history, as well as provide references who can speak to your character, it may be tempting to omit or lie about certain things. When you get to boot camp they have what is called the "moment of truth". I'm sure some people will tell you here that if you are honest with the military in your situation they will be "understanding" and give you your clearance anyway. Based on his recruiter's advice, a Navy recruit did not report knee surgery he had undergone at the age of 14. Lying on your SF-86is an aspect of personal conduct, and deliberately falsifying or omitting information prevents investigators from getting the full picture of who you are and how you have conducted yourself thus far. The sooner you report the required information, the less likely you will be held accountable for fraudulent enlistment. You are the one who is going to suffer the consequences of your choice to commit a felony. . Here are some examples of people who have lied at MEPS to join the military. The MEPS is independent from each Service, and is not on any quota. A record of the arrest was found when conducting his security clearance background investigation. Dont Do It! And if you're going to be working anywhere near the President, you're going to be subject to Yankee White investigation, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Required fields are marked *. So Im sure its on a medical record somewhere. Your recruiter may or may not get into trouble. Dude doesnt need to be anywhere near a clearance. I had PRK laser eyes surgery around 2010 (would be 21 years old). Top-secret clearance takes four to eight months to complete (sometimes closer to a year depending on the applicant). Get a copy of your high school transcript. Likely scenario, you will lose your secret clearance, and any ability to obtain one, and likely become Infantry or Supply or Motor T or something. It'll be like you never enlisted. Your email address will not be published. What if the original poster here progresses on up and is eventually asked to take a polygraph? I omitted information at MEPS. 8-15 months for a new Top Secret clearance with access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) If you transferred to GSA with an active clearance, timelines may be quicker. Recruits must keep in mind that everyone at MEPS is thoroughly investigated at the local, state, and federal levels for any illegal records or criminal activity. I know it's my fault for still lying at meps but my recruiter told me to lie about my marijuana usage and if I have ever been out of the country. Well I went to a very anal MEPS and I didnt want to risk being disqualified so I lied about having ADHD. Whether your recruiter will get in trouble is out of your control. If you slide through on this one, never do it again. Now Im back to searching the best route. The investigation focuses on your character and conduct, emphasizing such factors as honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, financial responsibility, criminal activity, emotional stability, and other pertinent areas. Should I just clear this up next time (the day I ship) at MEPS or wait until the moment of truth? If you're an honest person with integrity who can say "I made a mistake" that's not the end of the world, everyone screws up. I don't think for secret you usually have an interview. Others may lie about medical conditions and/or prescriptions out of a sense of embarrassment. Once you have lied or omitted information on the questionnaire, the most you can hope for is outright denial. I'm struggling to understand why your recruiter had you lie about something as trivial as your parents being foreigners. If they fall too far below that number because they miss their annual recruiting goals, Congress could reduce the size of the Service and the dollars that go with it. MEPs can sometimes be very fussy when it comes to determining qualifications. A Secret security clearance takes the least amount of time to process and allows for escorted access to FBI facilities. Since the applicant eventually decided to be honest, the judge was lenient. After the investigation is finished, your SF86 will be adjudicated, which essentially means that the questionnaire will be assessed for any problems that might make you a threat to national security. Copyright 2023 Lying at MEPS will impact your future, particularly in terms of eliminating any employment opportunities with the military. My gramma always told me I had to be able to look at myself in the mirror, and know that if I couldn't-- I wouldn't sleep well at night. hello. Though it may be tempting to lie at MEPS about your medical, criminal, and/or drug history, the consequences arent worth it. As a rule the in-person interview is at the beginning of the process. While the applicant did tell the truth about his marijuana usage in college, he wasnt quite as forthright about the frequency. It's that simple. Any substantiated abuse of hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and/or many prescription drugs will likely disqualify you from military service. Its the DoD that holds your clearance, not your branch and its the DoD that will be adjudicating your new clearance. Yes, it's wrong, but MEPS folks are pretty good about recognizing it. Ordered by The Committee of the Ce The applicant appealed the decision to the DOE Office of Hearings and Appeals. Had you not lied, you may have received a secret security clearance depending on what the investigation may have turned up. Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM): 8 Things To Know, Army Achievement Medal (AAM): 6 Things To Know, Thymosin Alpha 1 Peptide: Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, & More, Best Stun Gun Flashlight Review: Police Force Tac Torch. Related Article What To Wear At MEPS (Males & Females). Each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces utilizes their own MEPS to evaluate recruits for military readiness, including their standards of conduct and character. Candidates can receive clearance for information up to the level for which they qualify. Do I care if you smoked weed then tried to cover it up? Or, you can help stop this unlawful practice by making an official complaint. When applying for a security clearance , you want the best outcome. I was nervous about doing this because I'd rather be honest but he said he got a TS security clearance and it was no big deal and that there's no way they can find out. You're not going to jail. Another key aspect of the background investigation for a Top Secret clearance is a thorough review of your finances, character and any possible criminal history. After doing research and reading over the SF-86 form I can see there are several discrepancies of things I never reported to MEPS. No pot use for a year now. I was forced to go cold Turkey 2 years ago and no longer need my meds at all. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A little yes, but that's not making me block your clearance. 4,250. I hate lying about big shit like this as its hard to feel good about it without being guilty. There is a point very early in basic training where the point of no return is passed. I just finished taking the ASVAB and I qualified for my dream job in the army that requires a Top Secret Security Clearance (TSSC). If, for example, you say to your recruiter "I might have had asthma as a kid, but no doctor ever diagnosed it as asthma," then the recruiter is perfectly correct to instruct you that the correct answer to the question "Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma?" Using a federally mandated rubric, government officials classify documents in one of those levels. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you. Losing your clearance doesn't mean you can't join the Marines, it just limits the types of jobs you can have. I had adhd as a kid but I stopped taking meds for it almost 5 years ago. Instead, you A security clearance revocation can hit hard, both personally and professionally. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Ive been wanting to come clean and have tried Googling in the past as to how but kind of gave up on it because it seemed very tricky. Any advice on coming clean and mitigating the damage? I felt bad about it at the time but wanted to get away from my current situation asap (breakup, contract, and shipping out to basic all in the same month). But not my 5 mph ticket as it was only 100$ or 80$ idk but they took it off my record and points due to it being my first offense and completing a course. Does it say anything about your having been suspended and the cause? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It will still go to my service branch and will most likely get me a fraudulent enlistment due to lying at meps? Everyone I asked told me not to say anything about it so I didn't. The job I want requires a top secret clearance. People lie all the time at meps, and after spending a day and the night before surrounded by the people from your general area then you can usually tell who is lying. I saw guys get Top Secrets while being investigated (rightfully) for insurance fraud. These reviews contribute to investigators' understanding of your judgment, reliability, patriotism and potential trustworthiness, all critical factors in your eligibility for a clearance. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. He was forthcoming on his SF-86 and during interviews, and the drug use became a non-issue, particularly because he told investigators that he had no plans to use drugs ever again. Messages. Your best and safest option at this point is to say nothing. Its essential to understand that military branches dont expect all recruits to have perfectly clean backgrounds. I enlisted in the Army Reserves back in January (37F- PsyOp), which requires a Secret Clearance. This is why I love the reddit community. Lying about your criminal history will only complicate and worsen your situation. It's so dumb and wasteful. So your observation about the effect of the pressure tempting people to do whatever it takes to make their quota is not far off target. Ok, you will not be goin to jail or anything. The answer is that plenty of people can find out, namely your security clearance investigator, whose job it is to root out the truth about your character and background before clearance can be granted. Privacy Policy. The suicide attempt will probably pop up as a police report or during other records/interviews. Based on the advice of the recruiter and the lawyer, the recruit did not disclose the arrest on his enlistment documents. This testimonial demonstrates the potential for more severe consequences in the service members military career due to lies told at MEPS. This will hold true with you your entire life. Each of the services has a waiver process whereby senior recruiting and medical officials can waive certain disqualifying medical or moral (legal) factors, depending upon the current needs of the service and the other qualifications of the applicant. What happens if you lie on your security clearance? Lied at meps now need TS clearance SECURITY CLEARANCE Q&A BurnedVision September 7, 2019, 9:11pm #1 Enlisted into the military at 18 years old. The judge approved the appeal on the basis that the applicant was so forthcoming. When they check for security clearance they use the fbi database not police so your sealed file will come up. 92008 It's a felony offense, punishable by a $10,000 fine and three years in prison. No you're security clearance interview would have been with a DOD investigator. Well said. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". A car pulled out in front of me and caused an unavoidable accident in 2017 where I had some hearing damage from the airbags going off (would be 28 years old). They tend to give secret clearances away like candy as long as you don't have anything criminal or otherwise questionable in your record. Recruiters are required to "make mission" (or face consequences to their career), and "making mission" is often beyond their control. You get a chance to come clean on anything that you may have omitted from your record. This ended up being a risky but wise choice, given the circumstances. How much stuff can you bring on deployment? How do people make money on survival on Mars? This was all before I was 18 years old. Paragraph 13a of the contract (signed by the recruit) states: 13a. There are three basic levels of security clearance: Confidential/Public Trust Secret Top Secret This includes misdemeanors as well as felonies. A security clearance investigation ensures that you are eligible for access to national security information. You guys definitely calmed my nerves. Needless to say, most punishments are career-ending. Many recruiters view the MEPS as the enemy, as an obstacle to recruiting. Thank you, sorry if this is rambling I'm just really panicking. Food for thought. However, any hidden disclosures that come to light will definitely affect their current and future military career. Its also common for recruits with a history of drug use, whether recreational or addictive, to lie about their experiences. Am I going to jail like everybody else is saying? While in A-School (job training school), the recruit was tentatively selected for an assignment that would have required a TOP SECRET Clearance. This can affect your future opportunities for employment, housing, civilian rights, and more. They may lie about behaviors, charges, and other possible information that could disqualify them from enlisting in the military. Oorah! To operate equipment for which every single technical manual is readily (and legally) available online? The records are located and showa childhood diagnosis of asthma. He/she is going to say, "Nope. You might still have a problem but its no bigger than the problem you have now. case or situation. I was nervous about doing this because I'd rather be honest but he said he got a TS security clearance and it was no big deal and that there's no way they can find out. Your recruiter is dumb. Rule #3: Don't be in a position to use Rule #2. 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