I just thought, yeah. But as, as these excerpts of James speaking as, as James did, to so many people knew that, that this was the way he really, really spoke and who he really was. But it was dark. And I, the next day, I wrote and said, Well, okay, I respect your wishes. Hes asking for money. So those letters, and I just, I had to thank you, Dan, because those letters may have never reached the full elder board had you not push the issue. And she immediately said, Ill write a letter. Because it was still a time when many elders were not admitting any of the wrongs that they had done. He teaches that wives should endure abuse like a missionary endures persecution. For narcissists, attracting attention is the point. We had a group of Pastors who interviewed him and he gave us free tickets to his Straight Up conference. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! And Dean Butters letter came in that way as well. Then, referencing his arbitration with Harvest, in which he won about $2.5 million, along with all digital and physical assets of Walk in the Word, MacDonald writes: When we won the arbitration and regained access to our teaching ministry, it was in shambleslike a model plane that had flown so beautifully, being returned with report of a crash, when in reality an envious child had dashed it against the rocks just out of sight.. Julie can and has spoken for herself, but I must speak up against loaded questions like this. Who were all shameless self promoters. This was months months later. Chicago-area Republic Bank has stopped foreclosure proceedings against disgraced celebrity preacher, James MacDonald, and reinstated MacDonald's mortgage on his $1.5 million Elgin estate. I remember that too. After you guys. I said, I will confess my transgression to the Lord, and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. He knows! It does. And all of the elders should resign and repent for what they did. And he opened the meeting, looking at me and said, I know what youre going to do, and the church is going to implode or blow up, and its going to be on you. When Christian leaders continue to teach that abuse does not constitute biblical grounds for divorce they are wrong, Vernick wrote. Can you say what was in that letter? He was like he started appealing the process. (Proverbs 27:12). Nah Gary, thats just typical cat behavior for you, with or without Kenneth Copeland. I shouldnt be doing this. Again, Dan was one of the elders who confronted James back in 2012, and then got excommunicated from Harvest. Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. He was in the many meetings leading up to McDonalds termination. Im Julie Roys. And there is one thing we know about Satan. uterus or clean out a womb after a stillbirth (because these treatments are labeled abortions, and even that word brings out comments like yours). And in those letters like Jacob Ross, who was the bodyguard of James McDonald. It is not an ecclesiastical remedy at least not any longer. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. But he starts arguing process. I appreciate elders (Hebrews 13:17). Tell Harvest Church board hows the fruit now? On February 13, the elders announced James MacDonald had been fired . No one takes joy in doing this. But again, you push that issue, you got those letters. Youre better off reading the Bible at home with your cat. And you know, told her that I would get it to the motherboard. And were like, boy, I hate to say this, but that just felt demonic. No, its not how it went down, Julie. . Because Julie, I knew that, even if Id gotten the chance to read it in front of Harvest, which would have been really hard, but would have been healing to people. The fruit which was souls coming to Christ was enormous. But according to a recent email by MacDonald, he's a victim of defamation by an "envious child"and needs your money "to rebuild." "Tragically . We did not hurry. And then you know, you would categorize these things. I remember waking up that morning. Dan resigned from the Harvest elder board in March 2019, calling for reform. And I did it. Welcome to The Roys Report, a podcast dedicated to reporting the truth and restoring the church. So its critically important that the truth be told. I remember saying to the larger board, Guys, it is the grace of God that we have these letters. Christian counselor and author, Leslie Vernick, took exception to Viscontis post. How do spot a safe pastorand can. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Very interesting discussion. Dan, thank you for being a humble man of God. While we were doing that, I was in my office at home. Yeah. Still. TRR reached out to Visconti numerous times for comment about his partnership with MacDonald and his provocative social media posts, but Visconti did not respond. And that was actually the night we went, we went into the I think we went to one oclock in the morning and actually walked through whether James McDonald was qualified as an elder. But according to a recent email by MacDonald, hes a victim of defamation by an envious childand needs your money to rebuild.. Thank you Jesus, Amen. Well, Dan, like I said, on an earlier podcast that I had with Mancow Muller, I was hoping to be done with James McDonald and reporting on Harvest months ago. Plus, the school offers more than 60 majors, great leadership opportunities and strong financial aid. One is, I dont want people to give up on the church. She said a survey of 20,000 women for her book, The Great Sex Rescue, found that when men make the final decision in the marriage, even if they consult with their wife first, chances of divorce increases 7.4 times . This isnt phrased to have constructive conversation. That would be acceptable teaching. She was a late comer to those of us who had been exposing MacD for a long time. The leaders were brought together. How come church leaders and male congregants are always beating up the women with this particular Scripture but no one ever (to my knowledge) addresses the husbands responsibility to love their wives as Christ loved the church? I dont see that as absolving James McDonald. Sandy talked about over the years, other staff members coming to her after meeting with James McDonald in tears, just crushed. pretty rotten.. First he used to walk up and down the isles and second it was a bit more exegetical than primarily exhortation based and those dynamics flipped. His support of Kari Lake shows that he supports her lies. And, again, this is five days after I published my expose of Harvest and World Magazine. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! It is grounds for separation but not divorce., This view is popular in fundamentalist Christian circles. I mean, just stuff that you just cant even fathom comes from a man who supposedly is a man of God, a preacher of the gospel. The marriage relationship has died. Like this had been a months long drawn out battle. So Rick was, in effect, the Assistant senior pastor. Because I believe in the church. Am I characterizing that correctly? So what happened? Its so interesting. Visconti also had posts supporting far-right causes. It was a conference call because it happened fast. Hes a deceiver. "I was sitting in the back seat. But to tell people they have to stay in a situation of violence, trauma and harm, or return to it, this is not a core tenet of Christianity. So Rick was in the meeting, as were others, and they were defending saying the elders should not have the letters. And Im just trying to smear him. And he conspired with these staff to bring these letters because they all just were out to get James. I wish Id never done it. But like I said, Hes really working hard to rewrite history. And I checked my voicemail. I stepped away from my computer a couple of times. Is that how it went down? I know James McDonald says it was a conference call. Otherwise just say what you really mean in your question: Im better than you because I would never support And there was just this push against a public rebuke. We knew I needed to do it. Again, she was the the wife of Dave Corning who was an elder at Harvest for over 20 years, and telling her stories, and one of her stories was you know about pictures of her being put up on a on a wall as a target practice for James McDonald and her seeing this shot up with a pellet gun. Instead of focusing on who is stronger and who is weaker, why dont we focus on how both of us can be strong for the kingdom and live out the calling that God has given to each of us individually and as a couple?, Visconti also posted recently on his Instagram story that abuse is not a biblical justification for divorce. Visconti wins the Internet! Because if he resigns, he gets up in front of the church, gets to spin things, and, you know, can probably relaunch somewhere else. But he demanded that he be flown home on a private jet. And then immediately after I felt that relief, I thought of Betsy Corning. Thanks for a thoughtful, educated, godly response. And that was a big question. 2. Yeah. I agree. I knew that I wasnt going to win any arguments in the room. The audio recording that the elders reference was aired on popular Chicago radio personality Mancow Muller's show.Muller, once a trusted friend and confidant of MacDonald and also a member of Harvest Bible Chapel, has used his platform recently to call the pastor out on his less-than-exemplary handling of his critics. The news came less than a week after another update from Julie Roys, . According to The Elephant's Debt (TED), a blog critical of MacDonald that launched in the summer of 2012, MacDonald was then taking a salary over $500,000, and living on a $1.9 million estate. I had, of course, people from Harvest who had heard it, sending me sending me clips. Please dont read something into a story thats not there. Now, now James is saying, oh, Mancow edited this to say something that it really didnt say. The pastor of the largest church in Minnesota (around 23,000 average . Theres still one more thing I want to ask about. She gave it to me to get to the elders. That was you, wasnt it? I would listen to MacArthur, Piper and Macdonald on a regular basis. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? (We're a church of around 4,000 members & regular attenders.) If youre truly interested in hearing other views ask why or tell me how you landed there. James MacDonald (@jamesmacdonald) June 14, 2021. But to also say, this was this was my fault, too. Yeah Cynthia. I stepped into a conference room. Opinion: What is Revivaland is it Happening at Asbury? I mean, I got exonerated rather quickly. Judson is a top ranked Christian university providing a caring community and an excellent college experience. And we were at an absolute stalemate. Rick Donald said that that would make us the judge, the elders, if we had the letter. But it happened to me in the meeting where I raised a couple things and James McDonald is like, I dont remember that. And learn how MacDonald almost escaped being exposedand how six scathing letters that revealed MacDonalds true nature almost failed to reach the elder board. And this is when everything really started happening. Longtime leader of the Chicago-area megachurch Harvest Bible Chapel James MacDonald has been ousted as senior pastor in light of unsavory remarks he made on a hot mic that were aired on local media Tuesday. Dan and his wife, Kim, subsequently left Harvest, but remain committed to the integrity of the Church and caring for those who have been hurt in the Church. And scripture is really clear that its got to be, you know, two or three witnesses. Christian Rocker Posts Stunning Response to Recent Apostasy of Christian Leaders, Chicago Radio Host & a Former Bodyguard Say James MacDonald Asked Them to Arrange Murders, James MacDonald Took Millions from Harvest & Now Demands Broadcast Ministry, Mancow Airs Shocking Comments By James MacDonald: My Response. Julie Roys October 8, 2020. Yes, yes. And then if you could, please share the podcast on social media so more people can hear about this great content. This man has been your pastor for decades. I followed his ministry for almost 2 decades. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. I had all the letters at that point. In a recent Instagram story, Visconti, pastor of Generation Church in Mesa, claimed abuse is not a biblical justification for divorce. And in an Instagram post on November 21 that received 5,621 likes Visconti wrote: A weak woman with a strong husband will become a strong woman. We will talk through it. Hed been the senior pastor the whole time. And yet so many still have not and still waiting for James McDonald to do that. Were just talking a minute ago, you know, the emotion and the weight and the relief and the sadness, and all those things are true. So grateful to be healthy and happy in the Lord to where I can finally wade into the filth from JuLIE Roys. None of my sources said it was wrong. 28 Feb 2023 13:40:27 How come its always wives submit to your husbands and never husbands love your wives? Ill tell you one thing, Julie. On Thursday, the seventh, I got a text from one of the elders who said, Call me if you can before such and such a time. Prominent evangelical scholar, author, and missiologist, Ed Stetzer, is leaving his position as executive director of Wheaton Colleges The Billy Graham Center to become dean, Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a pattern of sinful behavior, James MacDonald is preaching at Generation Churchan Association of, An Arizona megachurch has hired Landon MacDonald as a lead pastor, despite allegations MacDonald bullied and abused those in his care while pastoring at Harvest, It has been said, Show me a persons checkbook and I can tell you what he cares about. Social Action, 1964 James MacDonald, the, Christian actor Kirk Cameron on Monday featured disgraced pastor James MacDonald as a guest on Camerons TBN Takeaways program on biblical illiteracy. MacDonald was fired, Mark DeMoss, a man described by Christianity Today as Evangelicalisms PR Guru and a former Liberty University trustee, is apparently spending time with two men, Its been more than two years since Harvest Bible Chapel fired James MacDonald for engaging in conduct . At the end of that weekend, before James MacDonald got fired in February 2019. And I was still on the elder board, we shrunk the elder board that next week down to nine men. I knew I had to do it. James McDonald recently did a video with Ron Duitsman, as you said, former chairman of the elder board, where he claims this was all part of a campaign by Dallas Jenkins, who's a former executive leadership team member at Harvest. But the one letter that isnt published came from Sandy Song. Also, in addition to those, you have the letter that was written by eight former elders at Harvest, who brought them in 2012, to the elder board, and within 24 hours, were excommunicated for bringing charges against James McDonald. And again, Im going from memory, but also from what Ron Duitsman recently said. Pastor James will provide answers in upcoming featured video posts. Yet, Dan, you owned it. And and that would be my word to James McDonald. She first came to my attention with James MacDonald, then with Ravi Zacharias, and now John McArthur plus one of his side-kicks is in her cross-hairs. *, In an email to TRR, Gregoire claimed that Viscontis view about women does not match the research. Hear the dramatic and sovereignly orchestrated story of how MacDonalds actions finally came to light at Harvest. Leslie said: Julie Roys is a Christian investigative reporter who has called out some big names, and she has suffered for it. If you hear that from the pulpit, or you hear that up front, I think, if Im sitting, if Im sitting in the seat, I think well, how fast can I get to my car and confess everything that just the Holy Spirit just brought to mind? Im gonna put it up on my Facebook page, on my blog. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? Why is that? Just finished my post on clarifiers that will precede the deception lists. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. It just seems that the church of the USA is a joke. it's time for the cult of personality of James MacDonald at Harvest chapter to close and the actual Bible to be opened . And I got the text. (Julie Roys) Eight years ago, prominent author and pastor, John MacArthur, strongly warned the Moody Bible Institute about its association with now-disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald. He was in Walk in the Word studios apparently, and said some really vile things, including, you know, joking about putting child porn on a computer, joking about me having an affair with a Christianity Today editor, which has no basis in fact whatsoeve. And I remember reading through that scripture and reading through Hebrews 13:17, about elders overseeing and giving an account, and Galatians 1:10 about am I trying to please man, am I trying to please God? And eventually, and I know you send them with a lot of safeguards, so they couldnt be forwarded. That way youll never miss an episode. That was positioned as an attack from the start. And I was still on the board. And there was a voicemail from one of the pastors at Harvest, in a really sort of pushing for me to sign that put my name to that. He could have apologized a long time ago, but nothing publicly. She was powerful and wise., Similarly, popular marriage and sex author, Sheila Wray Gregoire, wrote to TRR, The idea that a man can only be happy in a marriage when a wife is weaker than him shows that his idea of manhood is an extremely fragile one., As reported by TRR earlier this week, Visconti has publicly announced that he is being mentored by James MacDonald, and MacDonald has preached at Generation Church numerous times this past year. Julie, are you saying that you support trans mutilation/murder of pre-born children/and are against conservatives? @jamesmacdonald. . Rick, Donald actually had talked to me after the meeting and said, how much that meant to James. And I stopped my car. James Macdonald is a wolf and sadly so many have been fooled by this charlatan. Now what we did do is there were probably I dont remember the number Julie. Thats about my attitude lately. The owners of Marquardt are friends of mine, Dan and Kurt Marquardt. The Asbury Revival Is Over. We had to deal with it. And and again, I got out of this like so unbelievably easily. And this was a spiritual battle. You cant unconditionally support anybody. When I entered my UCC church-sponsored college, I figured out why. Church, Ministry News The elder board is still in the dark. And then out of the blue, I get slapped with a lawsuit from James McDonald before I published anything. Yeah, I can share some of it. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. Well, you know, we laugh about it. And whats so tough in this whole thing is that there are wolves among the sheep. And so I was pulling into the garage, and I knew I knew, as soon as I pulled in the garage, you know, I was, I was gonna go drive up to whatever floor and go to the meeting. The 8 Best Julie Roys Podcasts. And I know it was a battle. Tim, thanks I should have read before commenting and exactly! Then the board announced its executive committee would be resigning over the next few months. Whats wrong with Visconti supporting Kari Lake or speaking out against abortion or transgenderism? If you find yourself unaware of It basically says Jesus is as real as Santa Claus. One, its impossible, and were gonna get killed, were gonna get slaughtered on that. Malachi 2:16 has been harmfully interpreted & practiced based on twisted translations, Malachi 2 clearly talks about husbands dealing treacherously w their wives these husbands are the ones who hate and divorce 16 The man who hates and divorces his wife, says the Lord, the God of Israel, does violence to the one he should protect, says the Lord Almighty. Then let me just ask you from the start, why are you doing this? Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of "Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse" by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. God will deal with him. And you then forwarded them to the elder board. They discuss the role of journalism as it relates to local churches and prominent leaders, and her her current work investigating Harvest Bible Chapel and Pastor James MacDonald. And why do you do it in front of everybody? He should sell cars or computers. I also knew that I needed to talk enough so that it wasnt like, well, this whats whats going on with him? I dont understand how folks in a church can continue to contribute to the church knowing that a significant portion of their contributions have gone / are going to line someones pocket in this dispute. If hes ok with lies, that calls into question everything he preaches. harmful to the best interests, Disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, continued his tirade against me and The Roys Report on Tuesday, repeatedly calling me #JRgossipslut and asserting that I am, According to anindependent auditof Harvest Bible Chapel, disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, siphoned off millions in church funds to support his lavish lifestyle. And you have James McDonald coming in, from the United States, getting off the plane for a little bit, doing a few meetings, which I guess he complained about doing. So these letters, and this is what I found really riveting about your story, is when these letters were first given, as you said, they were given to pastors, with the exception of Sandys letter that went directly to you. And everyone who stayed just drank the Kool-Aid. The senior pastor at my church moved into town in 2014, and bought a home in proximity to the church for $260,000. However, there were a number of people in the room who did know him and knew him well. So, Dan, thank you for that. In October, Harvest along with lead pastor James MacDonald filed a defamation lawsuit against the author of the World article, Julie Roys, for "asserting false allegations" during her eight . I feel that our beginnings, KJV or influences kept many people locked in to the Old Testament, with all of its Thou Shalt nots. One person suggested reading the New Testament first for a change and then read the Old Testament for the beginnings, the stories and allegories and basically manmade superstitions and misogynies. However, an email that I got, that Duitsman had sent out and then it was leaked to me, said that what Duitsman was upset about was the fact that the elders were admitting that they had failed. He further claims Harvests elders crafted false accusations against him as a pure act of vindictiveness to cover the churchs looting of his former broadcast ministry, Walk in the Word. If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of God, and Proverbs, etc. John MacArthur, for example, has preached, Scripture does not automatically permit divorce in the case of a physically abusive husband. Instead, MacArthur urges abused wives not to provoke any circumstances that will make your husband become violent. But if he continues to be abusive, The wife should remove herself from danger by fleeing the home if necessary.. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Hes not qualified. There was just enough false doctrine so that it was swallowed up with the truth. Like Tullian Tchvidjian, he would be a great salesman. The airing accelerated the timeline. 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