Worship Me! His defeat by your hands had then tipped the balance and we were able to overcome him." "But not forever," Piccolo stated. The Kais refuse to leave when asked, wanting to see the battle through. This trait seems to have been drawn somewhat from Goku from said timeline within said universe. Before he could kill the two, Trunks arrives and blocks Zamasu's attack. When using this power up, Fused Zamasu manifests his Super Saiyan Ros aura whereas he had none prior. However he only transforms into the standard Super Saiyan form in the Super manga, using the form to combat Super Saiyan Vegeta. Immediately afterwards, he performs similarly against Goku, quickly pressuring Goku. In my opinion, I believe Broly is stronger than Jiren. Fused Zamasu is no match for Jiren and is easily beaten around, but withstands everything thanks to his immortality and continues fighting. Zamasu (, Zamasu) is the Supreme Kai apprentice serving the Supreme Kai of Universe 10, Gowasu. Declaring that they would display the true power of gods, Zamasu and Black stand beside each other in the sky, with the former taking his Potara earring from his left ear and attaching it to his right ear. Gowasu prepares for the two to depart to the future of Babari though mentions that Zamasu cannot go since he is only an apprentice and not a Supreme Kai, before passing Zamasu an earring and allowing him to be one for the time being. After returning to the Time Nest, Goku Black asks Future Zamasu how should they deal with the Time Patrol, telling him that it will require some patience. AFS Zamasu's latest Teamfight Tactics tier, match history, and overall statistics. Fused Zamasu is a match for Goku in this state, which possesses the true full power of Super Saiyan Blue at all times, and manages to hold the edge over Goku thanks to his immortality. With the two Saiyans defeated and knocked out, Fused Zamasu proceeds to destroy the world around him, causing numerous amounts of natural disasters stretching around the entire planet. This initiates an explosive Potara Fusion between the two villains, creating Fused Zamasu. Black questions the difference in power, which Vegeta answers by declaring Black as being nothing but a fake and a thief; Vegeta affirms that he was the Prince of all Saiyans and that he would destroy him. In the Universal Conflict Saga, it is shown that Fused Zamasu is willing to work with others even if he dislikes them, as he was angered by Hearts noting that Fused Zamasu too was a mortal, but still agreed to follow him. Yet whenever I try to do it, my character will always kick him down to the ground on the second Y press, making it impossible for me to complete it. Upon his arrival on Earth, he goes on a rampage, his first attack causing half of mankind to be wiped out. Unable to fight back against Goku Black and Zamasu after their victory over the Z-fighters, he gives up on trying to ever fight again. Before Vegeta can land any real damage, Black quickly stops Vegeta by turning his aura into an energy blade and stabs Vegeta clean through the right side of his chest, mortally wounding him, acknowledging that Vegeta has strengthened him through their fight. Both the clothes and accessory can be obtained as completion rewards in the Raid Quest "Demented Deity". But If It's Manga Zamasu tough lu. In the midst of causing destruction, Black began to sense Trunks' ki, so he pursued him. When facing off against Jiren again, he was able to calmly repel all of Jiren's blast through his Energy Blade. They declared Trunks a "sinner", because of his actions, causing Trunks to give into his anger completely and access a never-seen before Super Saiyan transformation, and with his newfound power, he declared the end of both Black and Zamasu. Black then transforms into a form to resume fighting Vegeta, naming the form "Super Saiyan Ros" in the spirit of Goku's naming pattern. He could also shrug off blows from Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and even managed to knock him back. As popular as Dragon Ball was . Black is surprised to see him as he takes Trunks and Mai to his timeline, he too vanishes as well. Black then realizes that it was time travel and also seems to know Vegeta and the God of Destruction Beerus. His aura changes from colorful white to that of Black's as Super Saiyan Ros. That is what mortals are. Kill him, and the Kais die as well, immortality or not? Still, while we may reference him as a child version of one of the most famous anime heroes, it was the first series, and Goku wasn't referred to as such until the second series Dragon Ball Z depicted the character beyond his 20s, with his wife and kids. Vegito ascends into Vegito Blue, and the two begin their battle, and at first, Vegito seems to have the upper hand. There are two different timeline versions of him working together to kill all of the mortals in the multiverse - Goku Black and Future Zamasu. His Half-Corrupted form was later made playable, though only in Offline Versus, Training and Crystal Raid modes. In the anime, he proved able to hold his own against Jiren, the strongest mortal in all the multiverse. [4], Super Saiyan Blue Vegito considers Fused Zamasu's power to be a pathetic display.[5]. For other incarnations of Zamasu, see. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. In the anime he also does not possess the forms aura until after achieving his Half-Corrupted form. Both stole the body of a main protagonist (with Baby possessing Vegeta). Zamasu (in Japanese: ), alternatively spelled as Zamas in the manga and Dragon Ball Fusions, is the main antagonist of the "Future Trunks" Saga in Dragon Ball Super, and a major antagonist in the Dragon Ball Heroes anime. One of the beings that make Zamasu towed 175 Earths while one of . You're stronger than most deities now. It is stated by Future Trunks that Black in his base form is at least equal if not somewhat stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku. !Zamasu's emotions getting the better of him in "Showdown! To shape existence into the beautiful utopia it was always meant to be, the mistake must be corrected. During the battle, Beerus points out that Black is clearly not Goku, noting his ki feels strange and dark. The Future Warrior can obtain Fused Zamasu's skills through DLC Parallel Quests though his Half-Corrupted form's skills are unobtainable. Standing out with his remarkable ki and raw power along with a prodigious talent for fighting, he was given a special privilege to be trained as a Supreme Kai. The Miraculous Power of Unyielding Warriors, combining his Super Saiyan Blue form with Kaio-Ken, Final Judgement? Even when the fusion ran out, the fact that the two Zamasus were the same person resulted in them rejecting this, resulting in a new combined state. An unknown number of mortals from several planets. He is interrupted by Vegito's punch square in the face because of getting tired of his talk. Fused Zamasu is DLC for Dragon Ball FighterZ and has moves and animations based off of his base form along with his Fusion form's own attacks. Black in his base form is strong enough to easily beat Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks. When enraged at Goku's continued resistance, Fused Zamasu claims he will destroy the entire galaxy once the fight is over. It is then discovered by the group that other Timespace's are disappearing, and Fused Zamasu reveals that this is because his comrades are wiping them out. As a result of his great anger at losing to Vegito, combined with the forced mutation from his Light of Justice, Fused Zamasu bulks himself up and grows to become huge. Black and Zamasu then use their Potara earrings and fuse into one, single, powerful warrior known as Fused Zamasu. In the manga, after getting a power up from nearly dying at Vegeta's hands, Goku Black's Super Saiyan form becomes exponentially more powerful than before, nearly as strong as a Super Saiyan God - thus becoming strong enough to match Vegeta's weakened Super Saiyan Blue state, and soon after (upon gaining another power-up) causing his Super Saiyan form to surpass Super Saiyan God by changing into his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form: Super Saiyan Ros. !Black to Future Trunks in "Feelings That Transcend Time: Trunks and Mai". When the two reunite, Future Zamasu admits that their opponents were far stronger than expected and couldn't be underestimated anymore, and informed Black about their "secret weapon". Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F - Future Trunks Special Edition. Ironically, in the anime, it was Goku Black's actions in Future Trunks' timeline, as well as the original present Goku's actions in the original, unaltered main timeline that led to his creation and more "sinful" timelines in the first place; had Future Trunks not time traveled back to the present, main timeline and sought the Z Fighters assistance to combat Goku Black, they would not have met the Zamasu of the now altered main timeline, which would led to Goku sparring with, and subsequently, defeating Zamasu, which in turn, spurned Zamasu's already growing hatred of mortals and newfound desire of Goku's body. Zamasu cries (much to Vegito's disbelief), saying that his tears will purify the world, before powering up, resulting in him growing larger and his right side becoming more grotesque. Give Praise Unto Me! 4. Like his future counterpart, he is extremely sadistic, callous, bloodthirsty, and hypocritical, as seen when he kills Bulma, along with the vast majority of the Earthlings, believing it to be "justice", despite his blood-lusting delight in it and his delight in the anger of Goku from the main timeline within Universe 7 over him killing Chi-Chi and Goten from the unaltered main timeline within said universe. Due to the fusees being one and the same, neither one of the fuses are dominant, and Fused Zamasu's attributes are evenly distributed and blended perfectly. Black effortlessly defeated Trunks but the Saiyan was able to escape with Mai when she blinded Black with a flash grenade. However they didn't have a problem with it. For those who don't remember, Zamasu is one of the major villains in Dragon Ball Super. Zamasu is silent and reluctantly accepts the situation when Gowasu repeatedly implores for a response from him. Fused Zamasu presumably inherited his white hair from Future Zamasu. The two begin to fight but Vegito easily decimates Fused Zamasu, at one point slicing Fused Zamasu's hands off so fast that he does not notice. [10], Despite his newfound power, Zamasu needed to find a reality without a God of Destruction, still fearing their intrusion to his plans. However, in the manga, Zamasu learns about Goku by watching him fight in the Tournament of Destroyers on. Zamasu is a lean-built individual of fairly tall height. Trapped in this weaker body, Zamasu-Ginyu is easily struck down, ending his threat once and for all. Merged Zamasu was defeated by a mere mortal with a sword, though Trunks somewhat reached SSJG Blue level of power. After Future Trunks attempts to kill them by slicing them in half, the immortality is shown to have stayed with both of them and they reform fully, with their immortality allowing them to re-mold themselves into two individual Fused Zamasus. He also states that his actions are for the greater good of the universe, even crying at its thought, and metaphorically described his tears as purifying the world. Zamasu is immortal and has Blacks ability to increase in Strengh as the battle goes on. Zamasu is hit with a large energy blast from Jiren, but the attack does no damage to him. As Goku Black can become a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, he possesses the God-like Saiyan state. He views this as a necessary sacrifice to truly create his new world; by using Goku's body as part of his being, he intends to never forget the "sins" of mortals and the "failures" of the gods. It's a clear stomp in favor of Zamasu. Of course he will, such was my desire! With his newfound might and skill, in his base state he was able to catch Vegeta off-guard and appear before him before Vegeta could realize it. Fused Zamasu Necessitated The Intervention Of An Actual God. Fused Zamasu knocks Vegeta way and then proceeds to torture Goku using numerous portals. Zamasu ), spelled . Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F: Future Trunks Special Edition, Feelings That Transcend Time: Trunks and Mai, Zamasu and Black The Duo's Mystery Deepens, never-seen before Super Saiyan transformation, revealing a new, large scythe variation of it. The result was the . You are mortals, Saiyans, yet you've gained divine power. To the surprise of Goku, Fused Zamasu appears alongside the other Core Area Warriors and uses his telekinesis to retrieve Cumber, before he and the others teleport away. After the defeat of Zamasu at the hands of MF/n, the Saiyans returned to the past. However, Whis is convinced that Zamasu and Black are in fact the same person not only due to their ki but the fact that he felt the same coldness in his heart that he felt from Black. Beerus quickly stopped blocked his attack and destroyed all the matter in Zamasu's body, thus erasing him from existence completely. In the manga, Fused Zamasu defuses after his hour is up, however, the immortality of Future Zamasu will not allow them to separate and he and Black are stuck in a deformed half fused state. A Babari attacks them, Zamasu repelling it a short distance away from them with his hand and goes against Gowasu's wishes by slicing the creature in half, killing it. Future Zamasu heals Black, allowing him to receive a power-up from the near-death experience and causing his god mind and Saiyan body to become more connected. Trunks then confronted Black who then explained his motives for destroying humanity being his views of the human race as violent and corrupt and a failed creation of the Gods. Zamasu was killed by Future Zeno erasing the future which included him. Reveling in his power, Zamasu openly declared himself the supreme god upon his emergence, repeatedly and consistently vocalizing his divine brilliance and absolute authority. Garlic Jr. is in no way a strong fighter, but he is one of the few Dragon Ball characters who wished for true immortality. Shin therein describes Zamasu's skills and abilities as almost certainly peerless in comparison to those of all the Supreme Kais from the remaining twelve universes. And Jiren could probably win with just glares. It is then discovered by the group that other Timespace's are disappearing, and Fused Zamasu reveals that this is because his comrades are wiping them out. It was revealed in an interview with Akira Toriyama that the inspiration for Goku Black originated from the "copy of the hero" idea in media such as "False Ultra Man" of the Ultraman series or "False Kamen Rider" of the Kamen Rider franchise.[5][6]. Worship Me! Later on, however, Zamasu says that, during their fight, he was distressed, and could have performed much better than what he did. With his fused body being an unbalanced mix, while his semi-immortal body struggles to properly heal from damage, his body's damaged sections mutate into a purple and slimy substance, which happened to the entire right half of his body. Ultimately, however, this Zamasu met the same fate as Present Zamasu, erased from existence - albeit from Future Zeno. In his Half-Corrupted form, Fused Zamasu is able to fight with Vegito Blue, with neither fighter being able to land a decisive blow, though Vegito was overwhelming Fused Zamasu. Zamasu makes his debut in a video-game and as a playable character in Dragon Ball Heroes, introduced in the tenth mission of the God Mission series (GDM10). In Dragon Ball Heroes, as a Core Area Warrior, Fused Zamasu's clothing was damaged on the right side and so wore gear similar to the other warriors, including an eye patch over his right eye. Answer (1 of 3): Assuming you mean if the Potara doesn't have a time limit. 1. Zamasu will defeat and crush him. Zamasu was formerly the North Kaio of Universe 10 and the apprentice of Gowasu, the Kaioshin of Universe 10. When he arrived to Future Trunks's timeline, he initially referred to himself as Goku. In this form he is named Grotesque Zamasu, Fused Zamasu (Right Arm Enlargement)[7] or Fused Zamasu (Half-Corrupted).[8]. During the events of "Future" Trunks Saga, when Goku Black and Future Zamasu fuse into Fused Zamasu, Chronoa finds out that Goku dropped the button to call Future Zeno, knowing that he's the only hope to stop Zamasu. When Super Saiyan Blue Vegito tries to deliver the finishing blow, the Potara Fusion wears off and Future Trunks comes to the rescue. However, Zamasu then followed suit, fusing with a future version of himself Goku Black to become Fused Zamasu. You think that's a revelation, that Goku's body will always be a part of me? Portara is >>>>Fusion dance. Trunks had felt a pit in his stomach the entire morning, and his uneasiness didn't lessen, even when he was at his normally comforting job. Upon being forced into battle with Tekka's team and Future Trunks, Zamasu and Goku Black fuse together into Fused Zamasu (named Fused Zamas in the game). Through the Time Rift, Gohan, Piccolo, Pan (GT), Trunks (GT), Goku (GT), a young Future Trunks, Future Gohan, and Trunks: Xeno give him the energy to create the Sword of Hope, finishing Fused Zamasu once and for all. 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