Your email address will not be published. (Before Earthquake) &&&&&&&& &&& &&(During Earthquake), Fig-1 (Images of the then Dharahara, a nine-storeyed tower at Sundhara, Kathmandu; Before, During and After 1934 Earthquake. Singh D D and Gupta H K 1980 Source dynamics of two great earthquakes of the Indian subcontinent; the Bihar- Nepal earthquake of January 15, 1934 and the Quetta earthquake of May 30, 1935; Bull. Nandy D R, Choudhury A K, Chakraborty C and Narula P L 1993 Geological Survey of India, Bihar-Nepal earthquake, August 20, 1988; Spec. Using the above reasoning we constrain the 1934 western edge of the Nepal rupture to 85.5 +/- 0.2 degrees East and its western edge to 87.0 +/- 0.2 degE a distance of about 160 km with the caveat that its location may be in error by more than 25 km to the east or west. Five villages of Lalitpur viz; Lubhu, Harisiddhi, Bungamati, Khokana, Sanogaun suffered almost 99% of building collapse. Sukhija, B. S., M. N. Rao, D. V. Reddy, P. Nagabhushanam, Devender Kumar, B. V. Lakshmi and Pankaj Sharma, Palaeoliquefaction evidence of prehistoric large/great earthquakes in North Bihar, India, Currentn Science, 83(8) 1019-1025. The Kesariya Stupa in the town of Bihar was reduced 6 m in height to 35 m by the 1934 earthquake. Everest. Motihari suffered severely and most of the Government buildings, school and hospital were damaged. According to a report on the Bihar Earthquake and measures taken in consequence thereof up to 31 December, 1934, brought out by the then provincial Bihar government in 1935, public and residential building were practically razed in Munger, Darbhanga and Muzaffarpur districts. Extensive damage was caused to life and property. Brett (1935) reported 7253 deaths in Bihar.After the earthquake John Auden (brother of the poet laureat W.H. The epicentre of the earthquake was located in eastern Nepal. The epicenter of the earthquake was in Nepal six miles south of Mt. Overcoming the odds How Babur Arafat brought Pride to India. 125 people lost their lives, 248 were seriously injured. Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute (tokyo Imperial University), 13(2), 426. Bashyal, R. P. (1998). All the kutcha (ramshackle) buildings collapsed, while other pukka (solidly built) buildings suffered damage due to sinking and cracking of the ground.[5]. Uttarkashi Earthquake, 1991. . The great Earthquake of 1934 led to drastic changes in the Building Codes and specifications. Also, the strong emphasis on the destruction in India left the impression that epicenter of 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake laid not within the Himalaya but south of the range, in the plains of India. Before pursuing his research and masters in modern Indian History from JNU, he was an electrical engineering student at AMU. In the light of the increased population today, compared with 1934, the death toll would likely be 22,000 and the number of injured 25,000. Evidence for a great medieval earthquake (~1100 A.D.) in the central himalayas. Res. The Bihar Earthquake of 1934 C. D. Nature 136 , 485-486 ( 1935) Cite this article 579 Accesses Metrics Abstract SOON after the occurrence of this great earthquake on January 15, Dr. J. Nature ISSN 1476-4687 (online) To his credit Mr. Salim has more than 400 published articles on history, politics, culture and literature in English and Hindi. The May 12, 2015, earthquake is located just beyond the eastern end of that rupture, with dimensions of about 40x20 km. (2004). Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Minimum rupture length had been estimated as 100 Km. Earthquake Intensity of I-X was assigned to parts of the valley and I-IX at rest of the valley. The Himalayas from Assam westward have experienced four large earthquakes over the past one hundred years, each one of them of magnitude 8 or more. Kumar, S., Wesnousky, S. G., Jayangondaperumal, R., Nakata, T., Kumahara, Y., & Singh, V. (2010). GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences. The 7.9-magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal and neighbouring Indian states on Saturday, leaving a massive trail of death and devastation, jolted memories of the catastrophic 1934 tragedy, which had claimed several thousands of human lives on both sides of the Himalayas. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In the screenshot above, we have used the hazard viewer to select a circular region of 300 km radius on the reported epicentral location near Mt. Wesnousky, S. G., Kumahara, Y., Nakata, T., Chamlagain, D., & Neupane, P. (2018). Portland cement subjected to rigid tests replaced mud mortar. M8.7 Assam earthquake, 1905 M8.6 Kangra earthquake, 1934 M8.4 Bihar-Nepal earthquake and the 1950 M8.6 Assam-Tibet earthquake. . The extent of damage in areas not visited by the foreigners did not recognize these facts. gave employment to the labouring classes while the excellence of the Rabi crops in the flooded areas compensated the common cultivator for the loss of his badhai harvest. Surv. Molnar, P., & Deng, Q. Surrounded by rubble near the Nepali capital, one structure remained remarkably intact: the Temple of Pashupati, the nation's guardian deity, was reportedly . About two hundred million years ago an ocean separated India from the rest of Eurasia. The Historic Nepal - Bihar earthquake measuring M 8.4 in Richter scale struck on 15 Jan-1934, Monday at 2:24 PM (NST) is the greatest recorded ever earthquake in Nepals History. Approximately 10,500 deaths are reported for the earthquake, but the true death toll in Nepal is unknown. Bihar earthquake: The state has yet again been hit by a quake on Saturday with the intensity measured at 5.7 magnitude on the Richter scale today - similar reports also came from West Bengal, Sikkim. Explaining the 1934 Bihar-Nepal Earthquake: The Role of Science, Astrology, and Rumours. In few cases, buildings were subsided by 3-4 feet too. 1st English edition. Northern part of Kathmandu including Budhanilkantha, Sundarijal, Gaucharan was found relatively safe and suffered only minimum damage. bands at different levels in the structure interconnected with R.C. Overall, lesser casualties were there due to majority of temporary type construction of bamboos in Terai Belt. Almost half of the bridges in the valley would be impassible, and 10 percent of all paved roads would have moderate damage, such as deep cracks or subsidence. the worst was the 1934 earthquake in which more than 10,000 people lost their lives, followed . Jamhoor, Aligarh: Champion of Democratic Values, , - -. 117, S2, 773-782. Also, the length of rupture zone along east-west had been estimated as 200 100 Km. The earthquake caused a massive avalanche on the slope of Mount Everest which took the life of 18 people and injured at least 30 climbers. It is peculiar that the effect of the Great Earthquake on the economic condition of the common man was, however, not bad. Earthquakes of the Indian Subcontinent pp 159171Cite as, Part of the GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences book series (GEPS). Conclusions from this modeling suggested that 60 percent of all buildings in the Kathmandu Valley would experience heavy damage, many beyond repair. Rizza, M., Bollinger, L., Sapkota, S. N., Tapponnier, P., Klinger, Y., Karaka, ., et al. The distribution of intensity of the Bihar-Nepal earthquake of 15 January 1934 and bounds on the extent of the rupture zone. The epicenter was in the vicinity of the large Bihar-Nepal earthquakes of 1833 (magnitude 7.0-7.5) and 1934 (magnitude 8.4). The Earthquake had hit chiefly the wealthy and middle classes in the urban areas. Whereas areas like Dhankuta, Sindhupalchowk, Rasuwagadhi, Chainpur, Taplejung also suffered damage. Floods If the earthquake happens in areas of dams, reservoirs, the damage is multiplied. The clock in the tower of the Secretariat stopped at 2.16 p.m. Seismol. An outbreak of fire and spilling of hazardous chemicals. (1981). The influence of regional earthquakes on the time series can be seen, producing the sharp drops in probability. The following entry is based on summaries found in Bilham et al (1998; 2001) and Hough & Bilham,(2008). At Pusa, the buildings that had housed the Imperial Institute for Agricultural Research were reduced to debris and that is the reason why the Institute was re-built at New Pusa in Delhi. The epicentre for this and JavaScript. Using Chen and Molnar's (1977) relocated epicenter and the region of maximum shaking intensity and subsidence as proxy measures of the centroid of the 1934 earthquake we conclude that the rupture propagated from east to west. Geodetic Branch Survey of India (p. 97). Everest. The following is a summary of the sueeches. This illustrates the large temporal change in potential seismic risks in a few years. 1442-1444. Paleoseismic evidence of a giant medieval earthquake in the eastern himalaya. On Monday the 15th January 1934 Calcutta experienced an earthquake shock of fair intensity which lasted for over three minutes. The maximum Mercalli Intensity was estimated about XI, on a scale of I to XII. Tilting and slumping of the houses were entirely absent. Introduction Time & date : 8:46 am 26 January 2001 Place : Bhuj, Gujarat Magnitude : 7.9 Intensity : X Epicenter : 23.419N 70.232E Focal length : 23 kms Season : Winter Damages : Over 18,600 persons are dead and over 167,000 injured. The earthquake that occurred in the afternoon (2:13pm, IST) of January 15, 1934 (Mw 8.2), is one of the strongest among the twentieth century Himalayan events. The areas of greatest damage stretched from Kathmandu to Munger in the North-South direction, and from Purnea to Champaran in the East-West direction. and Geology at UC Davis and In addition, possible death and injury figures were estimated by looking at statistics from previous comparable earthquakes in other parts of the world. It shook an area half a million square miles in extent in Nepal and Tibet. Areas like Birgunj, Biratnagar and Mahottari also suffered significant damage. were researched. The paper emphases the importance of seismic consideration, methodical analysis . Liquefaction record of the great 1934 earthquake predecessors from the north Bihar alluvial plains of India. Soc. The southern edge reached the frontal thrusts near 86 deg east (Sapkota et al 2011). : , . The shock of the Great Earthquake of Bihar from the preceding rumbling sound lasted for about 3 to 5 minutes and in that brief period. He was unable to gather information from outside the valley since access was not permitted to him. Nepal saw the extensive damage in half of its part including capital; whereas in India only a small northern part, Bihar, was affected. A catalog of felt intensity data for 589 earthquakes in India, 16362008. The first was its basic . The clock in the tower of the Secretariat stopped at 2.16 p.m. This is not an exception. Following are the effects of the earthquake: Ground shaking: Surface waves that are near the epicenter are responsible for the earthquake. Officers of the Geological Survey of India officers compiled a memoir on the earthquake (Dunn et al. India Memoir. 13-National Earthquake Safety Day, 2011, Nepal. [7] In Jharia the earthquake led to further spread of underground fire. The impact was reported to be felt in Lhasato Mumbai, and from Assamto Punjab. Active faulting south of the himalayan front: Establishing a new plate boundary. Pilots flyng over the meizoseismal area reported great changes in topography; this was largely due to enormous slides, some of which were photographed. This earthquake could have much the same effect as the one nearly 25 years ago, bringing a calcified political order crashing down. The study reported that the recovery was faster . A brief report has also been written by Mr. N. Nasu (Bull. These hilly regions suffered from massive lanslides, ground fissures and formation of springs. Ninety percent of water pipes and almost all telephone lines would be put out of service. Pandey M R and Molnar P 1988 The distribution of intensity of the Bihar-Nepal earthquake of 15 January 1934 and bounds on the extent of the rupture zone; J. Geol. B., Ghosh, A. M. N., & Wadia, D. N. (1939). Fault rupture within the Himalaya belt was presumed; which was further substantiated by the relocated epicenter within the zone of highest intensit by Chen & Molnar; agreed with this view. Nasu, N. (1935). The 1999 earthquake helped bring Erdogan to power. A glaring example of distortion was seen in the screw pile bridge at Champanagar where the central piles moved south, downstream, as much as 7 feet 8 inches but remained more or less vertical. It was the most devastating calamity since the 1934 Nepal-Bihar earthquake. On January, 15th, 1934, at about 2.13 p.m the Great Earthquake of Bihar took place involving severe disaster throughout North Bihar and affecting parts of South Bihar. A.. (1984). Nepal is exposed to several recurring hazards. Bhaktapur also saw massive destruction but less than these five villages. Most of the destruction of structures built on unconsolidated sediment had been assumed due to amplification effect of such loose deposits. Chen, W. P., & Molnar, P. (1977). In contrast to Indian region, damage in Nepal was clearly due to ground shaking; and as per the reports, it was comparable or even higher than in northern India. Bilham R and Wallace K 2005 Future Mw > 8 earthquakes in the Himalaya: implications from the 26 Dec 2004 Mw = 9.0 earthquake on Indias eastern plate margin; Geol. Burrard, S. (1934). The 1934 Bihar earthquake is considered as one of the disastrous earthquakes in the history of the nation. A. Dunn and three assistants were sent to the areas chiefly affected. The devastating quake of 8.3-magnitude on Richter scale that fateful day . Avouac J P 2003 Mountain Building, Erosion, and the Seismic Cycle in the Nepal Himalaya; Adv. In: Survey of India Geodetic Report 1936, (eds). The official death toll was reported to be 8000 in Nepal and about 7000 in India, but the unofficial sources put the Indian figure near 25,000. Bettinelli P, Avouac J-P, Flouzat M, Jouanne F, Bollinger L, Willis P and Chitrakar G R 2006 Plate motion of India and interseismic strain in the Nepal Himalaya from GPS and DORIS measurements; J. Geod. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 119(9), 71237163. It is officially estimated that the flood-affected area of Bihar has increased from 2.5 million hectares in 1954 to 7.3 million hectares in 2016. Hough, S., and R. Bilham, (2008). Surv. The M6.5 earthquakes affected mostly the far western portion of Nepal mainly Baitadhi, Bajhang and Darchula. The BiharNepal Earthquake of 1934. A preliminary report on the earthquake by Messrs. J. Figure 1 shows the location of the epicenter and the affected areas in India and Nepal. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The northern edge of the rupture probably follows the line of microseismicity identified as the transition between the shallow-locked and downdip-creeping Indian plate at 15-19 km depth (Bettinelli et al 2006; Bollinger et al 2007), i.e. Yeats R S, Nakata T, Faraj A, Fort M, Mirza M A, Pandey M R and Stein R S 1992 The Himalayan frontal fault system; Ann. Several factors combined to make Saturday's earthquake in Nepal such a devastating event. For this reason the earthquake appears on many maps in the the wrong location (almost 200 km too far south).The reason for this was partly due to its misleading early instrumental location, partly due to the sedimentary basin amplification of seismic waves south of the epicenter, which resulted in massive damage near the Ganges, and partly due to the exclusion of foreigners from Nepal (1815 to 1950) which lead to much of the damage in Nepal in not being recognized. Primary surface ruptures of the great himalayan earthquakes in 1934 and 1255. done in Zurich after a mining disaster in 1906 and an earthquake in Messina, Italy in 1908 (Stierlin, 1909 and 1911). Sci. Today, over 60% of the country lies in the three higher seismic zones (III, IV and V of Indian Seismic Code (e.g. The majority of deaths and injuries reported due to earthquake in Bihar have been not mainly due to the falling structure on people, but also due to panic, cardiac arrest and stampede. Image Courtesy : Nepal Ko Mahabhukampa by Shree M. J Brahma Sumsher. (1939) and by Major General Brahma Thus the inferred rupture geometry given the above numerous qualifications of uncertainty, are approximately as follows. Roads were tom and alignments were changed. the locking line of Feldl and Bilham (2006). It is certain that the loss of life would have been far more severe had not the main shock been preceded by two large foreshocks five hours before the main shock so that people went outdoors in alarm. 1934 Mw 8.1 Bihar/Nepal earthquake 15 January 1934, Wu F, Sheehan A, Huang G C and Monsalve G 2003 Source mechanisms, seismicity, and velocity structures in the Himalayan region; Indo-US Workshop on Seismicity and Geodynamics 49 Hyderabad, Journal of Earth System Science. 4. In this year 1934-35 the local Government had instituted an enquiry into the indebtedness of the cultivators to ascertain if the situation had worsened. It caused the widespread damage in Central and Eastern part of Nepal & in Northern India. To obtain [9][10], Mahatma Gandhi visited the Bihar state. There is evidence that even larger events have occurred in the past, and geodetic and seismic monitoring show that stress is accumulating now. The clock of the tower in the Patna Secretariat had stopped. As it was felt that what was needed after the Earthquake that the drainage of the sub-soil water should be properly guided the Tirthut Waterways Division came into being. Dehra Dun,. 4. Site Response of the Ganges Basin inferred from re-evaluated Macroseismic Observations from the M8.1 Shillong 1897, M7.8 Kangra 1905 and 1934 Nepal M8.1 earthquakes. 1250). You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Bilham, R. (2019). 2022 Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Rajendran, C.P., Rajendran, K. (2022). IS 1893 Part 1 [1]) and only about 3 % of . Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. Part of Springer Nature. Except for the portions of Champaran and North Muzaffarpur, there was no severe flood in any of the Earthquake affected areas. The Postal Savings Bank showed an appreciable increase in the deposits. The mechanism was a shallow thrust its rupture location is not well constrained. Mem. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Most of the Government buildings in Laheriasarai town had collapsed. The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.1. Estimating the return times of great Himalayan earthquakes in eastern Nepal: evidence from the Patu and Bardibas strands of the main frontal thrust. Faulting associated with large earthquakes and the average rate of deformation in Central and Eastern Asia. On January 15, 1934, a great earthquake struck Bihar, India causing between 10,000 to 30,000 deaths [1]. 117, S2, 773-782. Superintendent, Government Printing, Bihar and Orissa, Patna, 1935. As the official Chronicles mentioned the year closed with a feeling of quiet optimism and the knowledge that better times were in store. News from the country was available only next morning, showing that Patna, Monghyr and Jamalpur had suffered severely. Wu F, Sheehan A, Huang G C and Monsalve G 2003 Source mechanisms, seismicity, and velocity structures in the Himalayan region; Indo-US Workshop on Seismicity and Geodynamics 49 Hyderabad. Liquefaction studies using trench excavations at locations known to have suffered liquefaction in 1934 (Sukhija et al., 2002) . Some river beds had moved away from their direction and Captain L. E. Whitehead, Pilot Superintendent of I. G. Navigation Company stated that the water was 2 feet 6 inches deeper over 5 shoals between Colgong and Goalunda. Seismological Research Letters, XX, 19. Even in Bihar province, affected parts were northern and central areas. 1a, b) and PGA-European Macroseismic Scale (EMS, Grnthal 1998) relation. Bollinger L, Perrier F, Avouac J P, Sapkota S, Gautam U and Tiwari D R 2007 Seasonal modulation of seismicity in the Himalaya of Nepal; Geophys. the Kinnaur earthquake (1975), Dharam . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 494, 216225. Maharashtra earthquake, 1993. Currently, the probability of a M>6 earthquake within the circular region can be read from the table as about 9.2% over the next year from now, June 13, 2013. It resulted in a huge death toll and caused extensive destruction to buildings and infrastructure both in the central-eastern Nepal and the adjacent parts of India. 82 2945-2969. PNAS, 117, 1761517621. The earthquake took place on January 15 around two o'clock in the afternoon and cause widespread damage. Mishra, R. L., Singh, I., Pandey, A., Rao, P. S., Sahoo, H. K., & Jayangondaperumal, R. (2016). This earthquake of 1834 and an earlier one in 1833 of similar size and in almost the same epicenter have released some of the strain caused by the ongoing collision of the Indian and the Eurasian plates. 1934 and bounds on the earthquake Research Institute ( tokyo Imperial University ),.. Earthquake is considered as one of the rupture zone along east-west had estimated... 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Vicksburg Post Arrests, Dixon Tribune Obituaries, Adelphi Nyu Dental Interview, Yelena Zhukova Ucla, Articles E