Klaus showed his brother that they had managed to capture Finn and Kol. He tells them if they wish to fight with Klaus they have to fight him as well. During the fight, Elijah chastised The Strix for ever swearing loyalty to a serpent like Tristan. She had tripped and fell while trying to flee and cut her hand. However, his vampiric nature, as well as insane devotion to Klaus has caused this being to become little more than a facade for him to hide behind. Klaus becomes irritated with Davina's behavior, Elijah then tells that killing her true love was not best idea. However, she was upset when Elijah brought her to a group feed with other vampires he had discovered, explaining that because she was a nightwalker who preferred not to wear a daylight ring and didn't enjoy violently feeding like others, she was a pariah among other vampire groups. In From a Cradle to a Grave, Elijah bursts into the church looking for Hayley and screaming her name, he stops dead in his tracks, panting and out of breath as a result of the werewolf bites, and struggles to focus his vision. The only thing Elijah truly fears is his father Mikael, from his fear of his father growing up, a trait all of his siblings possessed. However, Lucien awoke from death, eventually transitioning into a vampire. The two brothers wondered which revived parent would they have to kill first. Having been revived by Davina, Kol reunited happily with the family, with Elijah commenting that he hadn't aged a day. Regardless, we're here here now, so I'm going to tell you a couple of things: You are going to see Klaus again in the final-ever episode of Legacies. He asks her what business her family has with his brother and Sophie leads him to a cemetery and invites him in as no vampires are allowed to enter without invitation. Klaus starts to doubt Elijah's value in his mission to reclaim his throne from Marcel so he stabs him with the White Oak Ash Dagger, neutralizing him. Elijah is getting ready for something while they talk about Freya. He forgave Rose because she helped Trevor out of loyalty to him which he respected, but he executed Trevor by decapitation for his betrayal of having helped the second Petrova Doppelgnger, Katerina Petrova, escape. "Give me a month. He explained that it was a door from his past, to the slaughterhouse in his childhood village and that it's where Tatia had first told him her feelings for him as well as where he brought her body. Freya and him talk. After that, Elijah and his four siblings left France. He let Hayley have Francesca. The only way they would be able to stop the spell and free Klaus and Marcel was to kill one of the children that was being used in the ritual. Declan asked Elijah what he was doing there and Elijah told him that he wanted to know what Hayley's life had been like while he was away. The series is the work of Julie Plec, who was the executive producer on The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. Later, after learning it was Hope who had trapped them inside the chambre, Elijah asked Klaus what his relationship was like with Hope, trying to discern where his key could be hidden. Elijah assured Marcel that he had never completely forgiven himself for tearing Marcel's heart out five years prior. But when Rebekah hears him mention Niklaus, she begins back talking about him and says she wants take backs from the pact she made with Elijah and Klaus. While there, he noticed Hayley acting strangely with suspicious injuries. By joining TV Guide, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. Elijah in general is a very emotionally hardened character and has difficulty at times handling and accepting certain emotions. When Stefan called. Later, Elijah and Klaus called for a Thanksgiving dinner party, inviting Tristan, Lucien, and Aurora to discuss the conflict between them. And she wants Hope's powers. Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah were only a few blocks away. Elijah, too caught up in his own grief, declined and told her that he was in no condition to be sharing in her happy day. Marcel then shows up and says When Davina shows up they need to let him do the talking. telling him everyone including Rebekah and Hayley hangs onto his every word, and no doubt his child will too. Elijah, he threatens Stefan that if anything happens to Katherine he will descend upon Elena. When Elijah and Elena come to The Salvatore Boarding House, they see the Salvatore brothers fighting, which causes Elijah to remember something similar (Niklaus attacking Elijah and blaming him for Katerina escaping). After that Elijah leaves town. They then decided how to proceed in freeing Klaus and while Kol suggested that they lure Marcel out of the city before trying anything, Elijah was adamant that they rescue Klaus as soon as possible. Elijah tries to calm Klaus down after he tried to run from Elijah, he tries to convince him to forgive Rebekah and be the kind of man Mikael never was, Klaus shut him down as to think he would show mercy to those who have betrayed him. Finn, in a new witch body and returned from the dead, sat down with them and began questioning them on why he was so badly treated in his centuries of life. Then she realized it was just Damon playing with her mind and told her no one is coming for her as no one cares. Klaus wanted her to be sacrificed, but Elijah had started to have feelings for her. Despite their warnings of Mikael's arrival, he refused to flee. Mikael tells him that he'll forgive his sentimental affections for his brother, but says that Klaus is an abomination and that they must be erased from existence. Elijah recognized that tone of voice Klaus had and knew Klaus was planning something. Elijah then begins his search for a missing Hayley, He finds Hayley with Eve interrogating Celeste. Elijah tells her he has given up on giving up and says "I'll fight for my family. Elijah then tells his siblings and Hayley that everything they were told by Sophie and the witches was a lie. When Elijah comes to the Boarding House for the dinner party with Damon, Alaric, Jenna, Andie Star and John Gilbert, Elijah says if Damon tries to cross him Elijah will kill him and everyone else in the house. He ordered a wolf hunt as a peace offering to Marcel's crew. They are at the cemetery and realize that the witches have made a spell where they won't be found when they sacrifice Hope. She does and while she screams in pain. Little does Marcel know the attack on his life did go out from Klaus who pulled Katie into the whirlwind of events that eventually led to her demise. Elijah is shocked by this and asks Klaus if he has forgotten that Celeste is one of those witches that he recklessly pointed his finger at. He then told him what they did with Tristan and the two toasted to the devil in the deep blue sea. Elijah removes the blade embedded inside Klaus and leaves him in Cami's care, he knows Cami is one of the few people Klaus wouldn't imminently kill and tells her to convince him not to to murder his sister. Klaus decides to kill Mikael for his hatred of Klaus and they need Mikael's ashes to kill Dahlia, As Klaus kills Mikael Elijah holds Freya. Klaus joined him in his speech, telling the crowd that they should put aside any past grievances since the Mikaelsons would only be staying in New Orleans briefly. So she can't save Mikael and use her magic. In Ordinary People, when Elena wanted to know more about the Original family, Rebekah started to tell about her violent history with both her brothers Klaus and Elijah, when they were all humans a 1000 years ago and became the very first vampires after a tragic death of their youngest brother. Camille was brought to the house to be kept safe from Finn and took the opportunity to use her psychiatric skills to try and help him with his troubling mind. He told his brother that he had met Hayley five years prior and when he saw her in that farm house, moments before her death, he recognized her as the woman he spent an evening dancing with, but had thought in that moment that she had been some deception sent by Klaus, so had decided not to save her. Elijah recognized Marcel as the face in his memories. Rebekah goes to Elijah's coffin and tries to pull the dagger out of him, but Davina pulls it back and throws Rebekah out of her room, using her powers. Elijah and Rebekah went to Josh, wanting to use him to get to Marcel. Her body becomes covered in cuts, and she coughs up blood before falling to the ground. Back at the compound, Elijah and Hayley were trying to find out where Clara worked and once they found out she was a nurse who worked at a old Sanatorium. Elijah told Dr. Martin that he knew exactly where to find her. They quickly make their presence known when Klaus snaps the neck of a vampire named Felicity. In Keepers of the House, the Mikaelsons brought Hope to the compound to have Vincent heal her from whatever magical affliction was harming her. He said it was this type of bickering that had driven Elijah away and made him want nothing to do with them. Elijah went to Davina and gave her the first of the pages she was to receive from his mother's book and promised her if she could complete the spell, she would receive another page of her choosing. Legacies will air in October this year and jump forward two years from the end of The Originals. Elijah has blood all over himself and he looks like he wants to feed. Hearing this, Elijah lowered the blade and turned to find the Hollow enter the tomb, possessing Sofya's body. Elijah spared August, not wanting to expose his brother, worried that it would draw Mikael to them. When Katerina escaped, Elijah felt betrayed by her and started hunting her down, but was mislead the other way thanks to a vampire named Trevor. . When he is free again he runs to Marcel and orders that every vampire is going to help him find Rebekah and Klaus, and then he plans to kill the witches. Finn proposed that he put aside his vendetta against Elijah and the rest of the family if they allowed Freya to put him back into the body of a witch, as he hated being a vampire again. Or were they subjected to a permanent state of pain and torment as penance for the many atrocities they committed during their time among the living? Elijah asks her why and she says that she is the Doppelgnger, she is the key to breaking the curse, and if she doesn't do it, Klaus will never stop. He has become utterly ruthless in defense of his family in their war against the Hollow, willing to kill and sacrifice innocent children, such as forcing Vincent to recreate the Harvest Ritual to help stop the Hollow by killing four innocent young girls. Amused by Matt's bravery, Elijah wasn't deterred and told Matt that he needed to find his sister, explaining that Rebekah wasn't their only one. The plan worked and all of the siblings were put into their sleep. Antoinette asked for Elijah's help in talking to Klaus, who had taken Roman to give to Hope, as a way of appeasing the violent power in her. Support The Healthy Journal! She made me promise to bury her where she would not be found. Klaus and Hayley each run in opposite directions, while Elijah continues to rush straight towards them, in hopes of overpowering them, Hayley finds Genevieve picking up the athame, and starts to fist-fight her to keep her from using it against the baby. Elijah later explained to Freya why Lucien and Tristan, and possibly Aurora, had a mutual hatred toward the Mikaelsons since he compelled them to believe they were the Mikaelsons in the 11th century to make them bait for Mikael. Alright, potentially everyone". He tells Elijah and Rebekah that Eva was his wife. After Hope refused to speak to him, he went to Rousseau's and spoke with Declan, knowing that he was dating Hayley at the time of her death. Does Klaus and Elijah come back in Legacies. Elijah then visits Hayley and tells her, that the werewolves are safe and then tells her to keep her wolf mark hidden and leaves. Klaus says that what they need is focus and Elijah tells him that his only focus right now is the baby and her safety, he got furious again with Klaus and tells him that all is the world that he created, Klaus tries to speak but Elijah interrupts him, Elijah tells him that all of his scheming, the enemies that he have made every single day, Elijah asks to Klaus what did he expect, that the mother would be alive to know her daughter, that they could live and thrive as some sort of family, Klaus tells that that was Elijah's fantasy, not of him. Hayley tells him they plan to keep her hostage until the next full moon, Elijah tells Hayley that it would take an army, he is believes the cure to be another trick by Celeste. Once, Mikael beat Niklaus to near death in a rage and only stopped when both Elijah and Rebekah tried to stop him. Does Elijah come back to life in Legacies? Freya woke Elijah up first, mid-ritual, and he immediately started slaughtering the Sisters. Elijah's prowess in combat even allowed him to defeat ancient vampires like members of the Strix with relative ease, even when outnumbered. As Cami drinks a cup of his blood to heal. The whole family wrote wishes for one another and then burned them and Klaus told them all how much he loved them, despite all of the misery he'd brought them throughout the centuries. Elijah and Klaus then find Sophie and tell her that their deal is off, then brought Sophie to the Mikaelson Mansion. Despite being centuries old, he appears to be in his early to mid . Unfortunately, Elijah's relationship with Klaus takes a turn for the worst, though it was not a very healthy one to begin with due to actions made constantly by Klaus, when Elijah chose to believe Tyler's lies over Klaus, that he is (supposedly) aware that his child's blood can make hybrids, and he plans to use his child's blood once she is born to make an army of hybrids, to take over New Orleans. Dominic explained that the Hollow wanted to be made flesh again and would not be stopped in getting what it wanted. Elijah then asks why their family still remains in the coffins. Klaus overpowers Elijah and holds him against the railing. To check on Hayley. In Fruit of the Poisoned Tree, Elijah is looking through his mothers grimoire and tells his sister the dead girl in front of him is about forgiveness which can not be bought and that's what Klaus was trying at. Later Elijah talks with Hayley and Marcel. In the series finale, Elijah chose to die once again alongside Klaus when his brother sacrificed himself to destroy the Hollow once and for all. In A Ghost Along the Mississippi, after learning the Cami had been both killed and revived as a vampire by Aurora, Elijah agreed with Klaus that brutal retribution must be taken against the de Martel siblings. Elijah is then in the morning seen preparing for the ball that night. It heightened her aggression and she lashed out at Elijah with fury. He questioned Lucien on the werewolf purge and Lucien sarcastically admitted to it. She then questioned why he didn't tell her that he learned about his past. Initially believing it might be his family again, they soon discovered it was a strange taking pictures of Antoinette. Instead, Elijah declared that he wasn't going to allow Klaus inside, since he had a new family to protect. He called Marcel to come and restore his memories. Elijah told her to get home as quickly as possible before Freya sent him back to New Orleans. To protect Hope, Rebekah broke Elijah's neck, incapacitating him. Elijah wasn't convinced by Lucien's claims that a witch had foreseen the doom of the Mikaelsons. Klaus says that he isn't surprised Elijah doubts his intentions as standing next to the noble Elijah, he will always be "a liar, a manipulator, a bastard". She then leaves. Elijah and Marcel search the building for Klaus and Rebekah. Klaus and Elijah vamp-speed toward her, but she uses her magic to block them using a wall of fire. Elijah is most characterized by his devotion to his cause of "redeeming" his half-brother; Klaus. In the 15th century, Elijah was romantically involved with another Petrova Doppelgnger, a young girl from Bulgaria, named Katerina Petrova. He then banished the Mikaelsons from New Orleans. Is Elijah there in Season 4? And Klaus stabs them both killing them. All the women who Elijah loved, were supernaturals (, It was originally believed that Elijah was the eldest of the. She tried to defend herself but was no match and was killed. Elijah says that he doesn't know who she really is. He and Klaus then confront all the vampires that have joined Marcel and Elijah takes on all of them. Cami tells him that the plan wouldn't have worked. Sometime later, he's visited by a woman, unknown to him as Rebekah. What are 10 errors students make when writing? In Our Town, Elijah is mentioned by Damon when he tries to find out who is in the 4th coffin, then later Stefan tells Klaus to remove his newly-turned hybrids from Mystic Falls after he seized the coffins containing the other Originals. He then spoke with Klaus, asking him if he had retrieved all of the weapons of the Hollow. Through his interrogation, Elijah learned that Lucien hadn't been aware of Aurora's plans with Rebekah and was only doing what he thought would help him survive. Elijah was the first member of the Original Family to make their first appearance in a present day episode. Seeing no other option, Rebekah pulled out a dagger and begged Elijah to dagger her for her own and the family's safety until they could find a way to get rid of her hex. After she requests him to give her the cure for the vampirism, Elijah agrees, provided that she go a whole day without her vampire abilities. Klaus and Elijah then decided to interrogate each others' first sired so Elijah spoke with Lucien. And she wants to be a true immortal. And she tells him she has located Hayley. When Elijah was getting ready for The Opera, his father Mikael visited him and told Elijah he saw the "Le Grand Guignol" piece in Venice. Klaus then tells him that he wants to take back this town and be king, when Elijah asked of Hayley and the baby, Klaus said that every king needs an heir. They talk for a few until Rebekah shows up. They realized the queen chess pieces were what represented them, as it was the women they betrayed. Interrupting Klaus' attempts to appeal to Marcel, Elijah was direct about his concerns that Marcel had the serum that would transform him into an Upgraded Original Vampire. With Elijah down, Tristan was freed by Marcel and Aya but not before Marcel revealed to Hayley that he only staked Elijah out of necessity and could have used one of the cursed stakes Rebekah had been put down with but didn't out of loyalty to the Mikaelsons. The young witch may feel something bad brewing and warn Klaus, Elijah or Marcel. It was up to Elijah, the creator of the group, to choose the next leader, and he chose himself to retake what was originally his, revealing the original Strix charter, the laws by which the society ran, and it clearly stated power would go back to him if a leader was in doubt. When Elijah demanded the truth, he learned compulsion, which forced her to tell him what she knew. Klaus then tells Rebekah that every thing he has done is to take back their empire which was taken from them by Marcel and that he has his empire and his new home and will live there while Rebekah and Elijah live in the Mikaelson Mansion and rot. When they met, Elijah kissed her, but he quickly saw through Elena's disguise and confronted her by asking her where Katherine is. Marcel chastised Elijah for never being upfront about his scheming and hostility like Klaus, and instead was always hiding behind his fancy suits. Freya told Elijah that Cami wouldn't last much longer as the infection was spreading through her. Mikael corrected him that he only hunted Klaus and never his true children, he tells him he's his blood and he's proud to call him a son. He is folding up the bedding when Hayley comes in and asks what he's doing. Elijah was an Original Vampire. As Klaus does not appear in the trailer for Legacies, it is speculated that he might be dead. Elena sees Elijah and is extremely shocked. They kiss but Cleste poisons it, because she wants to teach him the error of his ways and break his loyalty to his family. Elijah, Hayley, and Klaus took the opportunity to flee. She had spilled her drink and Elijah gives her his tissue and leaves her with a smile. But Hayley tells him it's fine, and that she's taking care him while he's sick. Back in his physical body, Elijah broke down crying as the agony of all of his past deeds came rushing back to him, including his failure to save Hayley. Elijah urged Klaus to let him handle it, as Klaus had to protected his own image for his daughter's sake, telling Klaus that if anyone should disrupt their kingdom, to have them answer to Elijah alone. When Marcel showed up, still furious about Davina, Elijah told Klaus to give him time but Klaus wasn't so sure since they ruined the one chance to save Davina. He tells her that his brother always seems to get into trouble and she suggests he is the one that is always helping him. With no cure for Lucien's bite, Camille succumbed to Lucien's poison and Elijah put a hand on Klaus' shoulder, quietly standing by to comfort his brother. He trusted Elijah to distract Hope while he carried out his plan. Together, Klaus, Freya, and Elijah all saw the Hollow manifest itself before disappearing. Josephine finally hears them out and Elijah finds out Rebekah is in Eva Sinclair's body. Julie Plec Says Legacies Is What She Wanted The Vampire Diaries to Be. Hope's and Klaus relationship is going to be entirely predicated on the end of The Originals.. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Hayley motions to her zipper and Elijah steps forwards unbuttoning and unzipping her dress. Despite their warnings of Mikael 's arrival, he learned about his scheming and hostility like,. 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